Dispatches from the front lines
I’m basing the form of this final missive on the last book I read, Dispatches—a harrowing and sometimes hilarious memoir by Michael Herr, who covered the insanity of the Vietnam War for Esquire magazine during two years in the late 1960s. (How insane is it that Esquire thought it needed a war correspondent in the…
In-house acknowledgment
With this issue of Canadian Mennonite, Ross W. Muir completes his time with the magazine. As managing editor for almost 18 years, he has undertaken a central piece of the work required to put the magazine together every two weeks. Muir has worked diligently and consistently behind the scenes, attending to the finer points of…
202 columns later
Some years ago, I screwed up my courage and sent off an email to the editor of Canadian Mennonite. I offered to write a column on family relationships. Proposing the column was one of the hardest things I ever did. I mulled over the idea for months, and when I actually sat down to contact…