The love it held
When we pulled up the steep driveway of my grandparents’ old house, I was overcome with tears of nostalgia and tears of loss for the love that this space once held. My beloved Oma and Opa had spent 35 years of retirement in this mountainside home. All of my life I’ve known them here, and…
Sharing life with your tribe
In 2013, I embarked on an ancestral pilgrimage to Scotland. The first site I visited was Lochmaben Castle, where, according to my Aunt Faye’s genealogical research, one of our ancestors was born. Lochmaben Castle was a major defensive stronghold for both the Scottish and the English through the 13th to 17th centuries. Possession of the…
The daily phone-call prayer
Over the course of our lives, we likely offer many prayers in a variety of ways. Some are formal, memorized prayers said for specific occasions. A family table grace recited before meals. The comforting words of Psalm 23. The Lord’s Prayer spoken as one body during worship. Author Anne Lamott categorizes “essential” prayers into three…
A ‘village’ in our home
When our family lived in the Philippines from 2012 to 2018, we hosted our Peace Church community in our home every weekend and opened our doors to countless friends throughout the week. I remember reading articles about the absence of “the village” in today’s society and how families struggle to feel cared for and connected.…
Tender times call for kindnesses
It was a tender time. Our 86-year-old mother had fallen ill and was hospitalized. Family members who lived nearby were keeping vigil at the hospital, consulting with doctors and caring for Mom’s basic needs, at points even helping her to eat. Those who lived further away were being regularly updated. All of us were praying.…
Exploring alternative ways of living
Jonas Cornelsen jokes that, at the age of 22, he’s retired. While most of his peers are looking to start their careers, the Winnipeg native and recent university graduate moved to Vancouver last month to live with, and care for, his 97-year-old grandfather, Erwin Cornelsen. Although he is as healthy as a 97-year-old can be,…
Love—the greatest obstacle
Having gone public with my New Year’s resolutions this year, it was inevitable that I would be asked the dreaded follow-up question: “How are your resolutions going?” While I’m tickled that people actually read this blog, I dread the question because ALL of my well-intentioned resolutions have been epic fails. I haven’t just fallen off…
Summer of my discontent
I have been absent from this blog for a while. I wish I had a grand excuse, like gallivanting around Europe, or road tripping across the country, or building a treehouse for my daughters. But my only excuse is a lack of thoughts and words worthy of this blog. Also, a lack of motivation. But…