Eco-mom addresses climate-change naysayers
Christine Penner Polle used to turn off the radio when global warming was discussed. Now the former nurse, writer and self-described “climate-change avoider” volunteers full-time as a climate-change campaigner in the northwestern Ontario town of Red Lake. She and her family maintain ties to Hope Mennonite Church, Winnipeg. Canadian Mennonite: How were you converted? Christine…
YERT: Small Acts of Resistance and Resilience
“When you being to see nature as a mentor rather than a warehouse, your emotions to the rest of the natural world become one of respect.” This quote comes from a unique documentary I watched recently called “Your Environmental Road Trip” or YERT. In this entertaining and informative film, three young adults decide to travel…
Why Environmentalism is Set to Fail
At the corner of St. James St and Portage Ave in Winnipeg is a building which has provided the canvas for some massive murals for Winnipeg Hydro. As I passed by the mural today I saw two kids laying back on the grass at the edge of a lake. They were looking up into a…