Taking charge
Two young women from Mennonite Church Canada congregations are the creators of a new podcast about entrepreneurship. Katie Steckly from Stirling Avenue Mennonite Church in Kitchener, Ont., and Katie Bentz from Hillcrest Mennonite Church in nearby New Hamburg host Bossy Women (bossywomen.ca), a podcast that spotlights female business owners in Kitchener-Waterloo. “As we’ve become more…
Columbia announces a new diploma in social entrepreneurship
ABBOTSFORD, B.C.—Columbia Bible College launched its newest academic program in September: the diploma in social entrepreneurship. This two-year program brings together Christian faith-formation classes and a series of foundational business courses, with the goal of equipping students with the passion, entrepreneurial spirit and marketplace skills to make a positive impact within society. The program’s capstone…
Coffee business wins award
An entrepreneurial effort that promotes social change in the Philippines recently won an award for its work. In March 2015, Coffee for Peace (CFP) won second place in a national business competition, “Developmental Social Enterprise Award-Solution for Social Change.” CFP is the business initiative of PeaceBuilders Community Inc., a ministry of Joji and Daniel Pantoja, who…
Young professionals recognized for entrepreneurial spirit
At the 2014 Mennonite Economic Development Associates (MEDA) Convention in Winnipeg, Man. MEDA honoured 20 North American young professionals who embody an entrepreneurial spirit and embrace a desire to make a difference in the world. Among the 20 recipients are six Canadians: A. J. Leveille, Langley, B.C., Alice Soeder, Elmira, Ont., Chris Steingart, Kitchener, Ont.,…