MEDAx 2018: Creating pathways for future innovators
A team of six students from Conrad Grebel University College participated in MEDAx, a conference that was part of the larger Mennonite Economic Development Associates (MEDA) conference, held in November 2018, in Indianapolis. MEDAx culminated in a $5,000 pitch competition to foster innovation for emerging social entrepreneurs. The Grebel team and SheLeads founder and Epp…
Taking charge
Two young women from Mennonite Church Canada congregations are the creators of a new podcast about entrepreneurship. Katie Steckly from Stirling Avenue Mennonite Church in Kitchener, Ont., and Katie Bentz from Hillcrest Mennonite Church in nearby New Hamburg host Bossy Women (bossywomen.ca), a podcast that spotlights female business owners in Kitchener-Waterloo. “As we’ve become more…