New award brings diversity to Grebel campus
Living in Toronto for 46 years, Mary Groh was increasingly surrounded by a multicultural society. As an active member of Danforth Mennonite Church there, following the closure of Warden Woods Mennonite Church, she witnessed the growth of various Mennonite congregations in the east end of Toronto. When she saw a photograph a few years ago…
Profiles in education
The Mennonite church is at a unique time in history. Currently, women lead three of the four major institutions of higher learning serving the church in Canada. In October 2010, Sara Wenger Shenk began her term at Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary, Elkhart, Ind.; Susan Schultz Huxman began serving at Conrad Grebel University College, Waterloo, Ont.,…
Faith Formation
Many churches are exploring the what ‘formation’ means in their life and work. At First Mennonite Church in Winnipeg we are doing the same. Here is a sermon I preached on the theme. I would welcome any comments or feedback. The texts were 2 Samuel 12:1-7a (Nathan confronting David); 1 Kings 3:16-28 (Solomon’s judgment between…
Anabaptist Educators Speak Up!
Now that I’ve finished my master’s in Education and a certificate in Peacebuilding from a Mennonite university, I suppose I should know something about Anabaptist education. In truth, though, from my experience, studying, and research, Anabaptist education seems very similar to just “good” education. There is a lot of information on what it takes to…
How much is a Mennonite education worth?
The case for Mennonite schools is an increasingly complicated one as the values of our religious system and that of the dominant culture, of which we are a part, both change. On the one hand, the vision of church leaders and parents to instill and formulate distinctive Anabaptist values, beginning at an early age (elementary…
Schools of Caring
I first heard of Nel Noddings in a class on “Social and Ethical Issues in Education.” Her comments on the ethics of care, that is, putting caring first in ethical decision-making as essential for education, caught my attention. She came to EMU last spring to speak on caring and attachment theory. As her ideas provided…