Tag: Editorial

  • The evangelical edge

    The evangelical edge

    Two readers recently wrote to me with concerns. “Over the years that we have received [CM],” wrote a Manitoba couple, “we have detected a constant shift toward liberal theology. . . . de-emphasizing evangelism, Christ’s life and ministry, and his death for our salvation.” The other person, from B.C., said CM articles cover “many salient…

  • Peace and popularity

    Peace and popularity

    I thank God for moments when people share their hearts. In the pages that follow, you may find such moments: committed volunteers in a basement archive, an inspired welder, a new twist on quilting, a gathering that puts the cross in cross-cultural, and insight from King Hezekiah on mid-grade worship services. In addition, Jonathan Neufeld…

  • ​​Tuning out of Advent

    ​​Tuning out of Advent

    Sometimes I wish the perennial efforts to wring some fresh meaning from amidst the hecticness of Advent would abate. It feels like open season for religious cliches and uninteresting comments about busyness, when all I want is silence.   But I’m not here to complain. I have found a simple approach to make Advent a…

  • 2,000 years later in Bethlehem . . .

    2,000 years later in Bethlehem . . .

    Bethlehem Bible College sits within walking distance of the birthplace of Jesus and about 200 metres from the eight-metre-high concrete wall that hems in Palestinians such as those who lead and attend the college. Bethlehem is no less troubled today than it was for Mary and Joseph, who, despite the “Silent Night,” had to flee…

  • My prayer

    My prayer

    Let me share some wishes for Canadian Mennonite, which are largely my prayer for the overall endeavour of faith. These are topics I’m drawn to and challenges I note. Tuesday afternoon. I’m drawn to church that happens when people are not sitting inside on Sunday morning. Sunday services can be a blessing but what happens…

  • 3 lessons from a bumpy Sunday

    3 lessons from a bumpy Sunday

    The pastor of a big rural church asked me to preach about climate. He had read my article, “Grace, guilt and CO2.” But between the invocation and the worship leader’s call for me to step up to the stout wooden pulpit, I fully considered ditching my notes. It was my first time at that church…

  • Parting thoughts

    Parting thoughts

    My adventure with Canadian Mennonite began in October 2013, when I stepped into the newly created role of web editor. In March 2017, I became executive editor, teaming up with Tobi Thiessen, who began as publisher. Thinking back over the past nine years, I’m considering some lessons learned along the way. There were the basics:…

  • Three questions about content

    Three questions about content

    Movies and TV shows about journalism always catch my attention. How do publishing enterprises work? How do reporters and editors gather information? How are decisions made about the content that the public will see? Here are questions that readers have about the content you read on the print and web pages of Canadian Mennonite. 1.…

  • Change ahead

    Change ahead

    I once knew a young child for whom change was extremely difficult. Whether the change came as a surprise or whether the child anticipated the happy results of an expected change, it was hard to move from “here” to “there.” Change can be difficult for people of all ages. As we assembled this issue of…

  • Senses open new doors

    Senses open new doors

    First, a disclaimer: I love books. With a father in the bookstore and publishing business, I grew up in a household that always had books available. I’ve volunteered and been employed in a library. I currently own cards to two local libraries. For me, books have been a source of learning, inspiration and connection to…