Assembly’s afterglow
Maybe it was the downright gorgeous summer weather before the heat wave swept into central and southeastern Canada. Maybe it was the powerfully inspired music led by Paul Dueck and his gifted musicians in University of Waterloo’s Humanities Theatre. Or the 20-minute walk from the dining hall to Assembly sessions that helped digest the food…
Conversing in the ‘big tent’
“If we step back and review the letters to the editor in this magazine over the past several years, we generally find debates in the church and religion framed in terms of conservative and liberal. “Each side thinks the other is at best misguided, perhaps even profoundly wrong, and misinterprets Scripture. There tends to be…
A political lament
As an American living and working in Canada, I am both intrigued and saddened by two political events of the past ten days in these two North American countries—the take-out of Osama bin Laden by the U.S. military and the take-over by a militaristic Conservative majority government in Monday’s elections in Canada. Both shake my…