Raise hard truths and turn toward healing
In their new book Healing Haunted Histories: A Settler Discipleship of Decolonization (Cascade Books, 2021), authors and life partners Elaine Enns and Ched Myers confront hard truths about settler complicity in historic and ongoing injustices perpetrated against Indigenous peoples. They also offer a way toward healing. Through the lens of Enns’ own Mennonite family narrative,…
Bible study works at decolonizing scripture
A Bible study in Winnipeg is asking the questions, “How is our faith shaped by our history?” and, “Can we decolonize how we read the Bible?” Kelsey Enns leads the group in reading, examining and discussing scripture, with the help of resources like Unsettling the Word: Biblical Experiments in Decolonization, edited by Steve Heinrichs, director…
Decolonization through unsettling Scripture
Mennonite Church Canada recently released Unsettling the Word: Biblical Experiments in Decolonization, the latest of several publications that explore reconciliation and Indigenous-settler relationships. The book, edited by Steve Heinrichs and illustrated by Jonathan Dyck, is a collaboration of more than 60 contributors who engage with the Bible in a new way to confront Christianity’s role…