The sweet solace of polarization, Part 1
I knew I would eventually have to interview my neighbours who staunchly resisted COVID-19 mandates and proudly supported the Ottawa trucker convoy. Actually I have many such neighbours. But it took a year of working through my pandemic enmity until I was ready to listen to them. Some readers will see more danger than value…
‘In the end, we’re all neighbours’
How do people respond to the strong rhetoric of polarization that is gripping the world? How can they listen and talk to people that are different from them? And why does it matter if they do? More than 180 people gathered in the Marpeck Commons at Canadian Mennonite University (CMU) on Feb. 10 to discuss…
Conversing in the ‘big tent’
“If we step back and review the letters to the editor in this magazine over the past several years, we generally find debates in the church and religion framed in terms of conservative and liberal. “Each side thinks the other is at best misguided, perhaps even profoundly wrong, and misinterprets Scripture. There tends to be…