Camps with Meaning aims to raise $8.6 million
Things are heating up as Mennonite Church Manitoba’s camping ministry gets set to launch its “Light the Fire” capital campaign. Camps with Meaning aims to raise $8.6 million for projects at its two camps: Camp Assiniboia, located 40 km outside of Winnipeg, and Camp Koinonia, located 285 km southwest of the city. The projects include…
Camp and mental health
The summer of 2022 was a re-opening in a multitude of ways. After two summers in various states of restrictions, we were able to be together in all of our spaces and to provide a full spring and summer of camp programs. After spending most of our time with family members and close friends, we…
‘We’re still just trying to catch up’
The first adventure race fundraiser for Camps with Meaning (CwM) brought more than a hundred people to Camp Assiniboia on Sept. 18 to celebrate another summer of camp and to support its future. The Pedal, Dash, Paddle fundraiser raised $5,100 for the camp’s Covid Recovery Campaign, which will put the money towards camp operations. “We’re still…
Why camp staffers are coming back
The past two summers have been difficult for summer camps. One of the struggles we face this year is the loss of many of our older, experienced staff. The uncertainties and shorter camp season has meant many of them have had to find other ways to fill the summer months and their bank accounts. Applications…
The power of music
Singing is an integral part of life at Camps with Meaning (CwM), Mennonite Church Manitoba’s camping ministry. This is the case at many summer camps, but unique to CwM is this: their staff have been writing their own music for more than 20 years. “The real goal of this was to connect the songs with…
Churches helping camps helping churches
After a week of non-stop activities soundtracked by endless cheering and screaming kids, you might think the staff of Camp Koinonia would sleep in. Instead, every Sunday morning they put on their Birkenstocks and cleanest clothes and head to Whitewater Mennonite Church in nearby Boissevain. Many Mennonite Church Manitoba congregations are involved in Camps with…
Camps ‘pop up’ around Manitoba
Summer Camp 2020 was full of innovations. Almost everything needed adjustments. We held staff Zoom parties in the spring to begin to build the camp community feeling that usually happens naturally at our staff training week. When at camp, staff were outside almost all of the time, eating, meeting and hanging out in large circles…
Camp Koinonia 50th anniversary snapshots
Molly Schaeffer, standing rear, one of this summer’s resident managers, acts as emcee for Camp Koinonia’s 50th-anniversary celebration on Oct. 2, 2016. Close to 150 people gathered for the event, which included camp activities like wall climbing, ziplining, canoeing and pontoon boat rides that were supplemented by tours and cinnamon buns in the afternoon. (Mennonite…