Tag: baptism

  • Baptism in a barrel

    Baptism in a barrel

    It is very difficult to go to the northern part of Ethiopia after the war broke out. Despite the security concerns, when I heard that members of our church in western Tigray were in difficult conditions, I organized a team. We would go there to show our love for Meserete Kristos Church (MKC) members in…

  • ‘Remember your baptism’

    ‘Remember your baptism’

    The final report on the Lutheran-Mennonite-Roman Catholic Trilateral Conversation on baptism has been published. The report summarizes five years of theological consultations between the three communions on the understanding and practice of baptism in light of contemporary pastoral and missional challenges facing all three Christian communities. “The report shows that today these three churches agree…

  • Deepening the meaning of baptism

    Deepening the meaning of baptism

    After five years of meetings by an international commission of Mennonites, Lutherans and Roman Catholics on the topic of baptism, John Rempel, the commission’s Mennonite representative, presented a trilateral report from that dialogue at an event called “One Baptism? A Symposium on Baptism and the Christian Life,” at Waterloo North Mennonite Church on Nov. 8.…

  • ‘Ramping up the rituals’

    ‘Ramping up the rituals’

    Do Mennonite churches have commitment issues? Why are fewer people choosing rituals of commitment like baptism and marriage?  In an attempt to answer these questions, Irma Fast Dueck spent three days at Conrad Grebel University College last month. First, she delivered Grebel’s Bechtel Lecture, “Take me to the waters: Baptism, commitment and the church,” on…

  • Youth panel explains what keeps them in church

    Youth panel explains what keeps them in church

    Christian youth and young adults are seeking church spaces that are authentic, safe and open, but also supportive of their role in leadership. At least, that’s what five people who took part in a youth panel had to say at the 2019 Bechtel Lectures at Conrad Grebel University College, Waterloo, Ont., on Feb. 8. The…

  • Patricia Beach baptism

    Patricia Beach baptism

    Malcolm and Esther Wenger moved to the town of Selkirk, Man., in 1979. Malcolm worked for the Conference of Mennonites in Canada’s Native Ministries program and pastored the small Selkirk Christian Fellowship. Pictured, Malcolm baptizes Gillian Thororanson at Patricia Beach, Man., on July 22, 1979. There have been fierce debates in Mennonite circles about the…

  • Remembering my baptism

    Remembering my baptism

    I was baptized on an Easter Sunday morning, in the midst of a beautiful service celebrating the resurrection of Jesus. By the first rays of morning light, we greeted each other with the familiar refrain, “He is risen!” and “He is risen indeed!” We sang the big, old Easter hymns. We heard the good news…

  • Response to ‘From belief to belonging’

    Response to ‘From belief to belonging’

    Update: In October 2020, Mennonite Church Eastern Canada announced the termination of the ministerial credentials of John D. Rempel, on the basis of ministerial sexual misconduct. To learn more, see ‘Credentials terminated for theologian-academic-pastor.’ In her article “From belief to belonging” (July 2, 2018, page 4), Nicolien Klassen-Wiebe describes how open communion is on the rise…

  • Coaldale baptism

    Coaldale baptism

    This classic baptism photo from Coaldale Mennonite Brethren Church has been incorrectly dated as from the 1940s. Dedicated volunteers, who have a long-standing passion for the history of the church and a long institutional memory, believed there was an error in the description. With some effort, they found two newspaper reports that gave the details…

  • The birth of Anabaptism in fire and water

    The birth of Anabaptism in fire and water

    Sometimes, a single act can have enormous consequences. In the religious ferment of 16th century Europe, a small group of Christians in the Swiss canton of Zurich gathered in a home on a wintry January day in 1525. One of them, George Blaurock, asked another, Conrad Grebel, to baptize him. Around the circle they went,…