Tag: asylum

  • Mennonite Church USA joins multifaith coalition

    Mennonite Church USA joins multifaith coalition

    WASHINGTON, DC – The Institute for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection (ICAP) at Georgetown Law has filed a lawsuit on behalf of over two dozen Christian and Jewish religious denominations and associations in response to the Trump Administration’s rescission of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) “sensitive locations” policy that had restricted Immigration and Customs Enforcement…

  • MCC supports vulnerable people on the move

    MCC supports vulnerable people on the move

    Daniel (a pseudonym, for security reasons) doesn’t have just one reason for leaving his daughter, 8, and parents in Honduras. He has many reasons for joining a caravan of thousands of migrants walking toward the U.S. border with Mexico. “I was forced to leave because there weren’t jobs or opportunities, plus the insecurity and violence.…

  • Seeking a safe home

    Seeking a safe home

    It is June 20, World Refugee Day. Near the Mexico-U.S. border, thousands of people are waiting. Fleeing conflict and violence in their own countries, they are seeking safety. Reports emerge of refugee children being detained and separated from their parents, who are also locked up. These families are torn apart by a policy of “zero…

  • Supporting uprooted people around the world

    Supporting uprooted people around the world

    There are more than 65 million displaced people worldwide—nearly double the population of Canada. The United Nations says this number is unprecedented and the need for humanitarian assistance is only growing.  The crisis isn’t isolated to one region. People are being displaced all over the world, testing the resources and resilience of populations from Europe…

  • MCC U.S. boosts its immigration work with churches

    MCC U.S. boosts its immigration work with churches

    As the U.S. government increases immigration enforcement, Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) U.S. has been expanding its legal training, resources and educational opportunities for immigrants and advocates. People living in the U.S. without official documentation are increasingly fearful that they will be separated from their families by detention or deportation, says Saulo Padilla, MCC U.S. coordinator…