Young Voices on religion vs. spirituality

When Jefferson Bethke posted his YouTube video titled ‘Why I hate religion but love Jesus,’ it quickly went viral. In the spoken word piece he talks about problems within the church and why he feels Jesus is separate from organized religion.

Rachel Bergen followed up on some of those themes when she wrote this article about the trend of young people calling themselves spiritual instead of specifically religious.

Young Voices spoke to four young adults to get their perspective on the video, why they think the church is still important and what it can do to address some of the concerns Bethke mentions. Anika Brandt, Tamara Dueckman, Katelyn Steblin and Matthew Wiens share their thoughts.

What did you like about the video? from Young Voices on Vimeo.

What didn’t you like? from Young Voices on Vimeo.

Are churches important? How can they be better? from Young Voices on Vimeo.

Why did it go viral? from Young Voices on Vimeo.

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