Sometimes I think I need to slow down. What do I mean by this? I mean that life goes very quickly. We rush from one thing to the next, glancing at our watches and depending on the calendar to make sure we don’t forget things that are happening. I’m very guilty of this, and I would make tons of mistakes if it weren’t for Google Calendar.
Social activities are a good thing, and my calendar is full enough that I enjoy it, not too full that I’m overloaded. But today was a bit different. I went for a 3km walk to go visit my parent’s house in the rain, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Why? Because there’s something amazing about walking. It takes longer than driving, it’s under your own power, and it allows you to think. Sometimes I don’t have enough time to mentally transition when I physically transition – our church is a 4-minute drive from our house. Four minutes is not enough time to switch gears. Walking thirty minutes is. And that’s what I love about walking.
I noticed different houses, sidewalks, routes, parks, and all kinds of things. Mostly because I wasn’t going 50km/h down sidestreets. Mostly because I was taking the time to look.
In our baptism classes at Douglas Mennonite Church, we do “soul training exercises,” which is basically another word to say “spiritual disciplines.” One of them is margin – encouraging each other to find more time and space in our lives. We don’t like reading books with no margins, nor should we live lives with our schedules packed full from the moment we wake up to the moment we fall asleep.
Do you have margin in your life?
Taking Heart,