‘A part of who we are’

South Sudanese Mennonite Church celebrates its first anniversary


“When people named Rueben, Peter, James, and John show up at your door, you realize it’s a sign from God. . . . When they say they want your help to start a church, you help in any way you can.”

Tim Wiebe-Neufeld, co-pastor at Edmonton First Mennonite Church, voiced these words on Jan. 26 when he preached at the first anniversary service of Edmonton South Sudanese Mennonite Church.

The deep desire to form a church where they could worship in the Nuer language, provide a healthy faith atmosphere for children, and where the goal was to help others, led the community to search out First Mennonite. Relationships were formed between the churches through visiting and small-group Bible study, with both groups wanting to continue this interaction.

“You are part of who we are and a blessing to the Mennonite family,” Wiebe-Neufeld said.

A group of Liberian singers from Holyrood Mennonite Church in Edmonton and singers from First Mennonite contributed music to the Sudanese worship service.

–Posted Feb. 12, 2014

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