
When my dad died, I worked with family members to prepare a eulogy. I gave the first draft to my husband, and asked for feedback. “It’s good,” he said slowly, and then gently... Read More
March 28, 2012 | Viewpoints | Melissa Miller
Over the years, the Faith and Life Committee of Mennonite Church Canada has often heard questions about the place of Scripture in our lives: “Do our people read the Bible anymore... Read More
March 28, 2012 | Viewpoints | Rudy Baergen
‘Regular guys’ who went off to war A former soldier read, and liked, a poem for peace that I’d sent to a veterans organization working hard for peace. He phoned me and we became... Read More
March 28, 2012 | Viewpoints |
This is the time of year when Canadian Mennonite’s 12 board members gather for their annual meeting to look backward and forward to see how the national publication has met the... Read More
March 28, 2012 | Editorial | Dick Benner
It’s time to throw down the gauntlet and say, “Wake up, women!” Our mothers and grandmothers left us a wonderful legacy of working together, and we need to pick up the slack in... Read More
March 14, 2012 | Viewpoints | By Ev Buhr
I can read newspapers from different parts of the world every day on my smartphone! I jump from city to city with a few taps to find out what’s moving and shaking, what’s being... Read More
March 14, 2012 | Viewpoints | Phil Wagler
I know how to make biscotti. I follow a recipe and it turns out fine. I like to add extra cranberries or raisins to make it chewy and give it a little tang. This is something I... Read More
March 14, 2012 | Viewpoints | Aiden Enns
We welcome your comments and publish most letters sent by subscribers intended for publication. This section is largely an open forum for the sharing of views. Letters are the... Read More
March 14, 2012 | Viewpoints |
“True evangelical faith is of such a nature it cannot lie dormant, but spreads itself out in all kinds of righteousness and fruits of love; it dies to flesh and blood; it destroys... Read More
March 14, 2012 | Editorial | Dick Benner
In this wonderfully crafted booklet, the last before his untimely death, Reimer gifts his readers with a succinct summary of a topic that has preoccupied much of Christian... Read More
February 29, 2012 | Web First - Opinion | By Harry Huebner
In the summer of 2010, my family and I experienced a history lesson that made us really think about what it means to be Mennonite. With my wife, Geraldine Balzer , our two... Read More
February 29, 2012 | Viewpoints | Gordon Peters
“Will you say nice things about me at my funeral like you did at Jay’s?” my mother-in-law asked as she and I were driving alone in a car shortly after my brother-in-law’s funeral... Read More
February 29, 2012 | Viewpoints | Melissa Miller
Tools. Gadgets. Thing-a-ma-jigs. Whatsits . No matter what you call them, they are designed to help us do things more easily. Recently, I found an interesting tool from the Canada... Read More
February 29, 2012 | Viewpoints | Gary Sawatzky
Going beyond generalizations Re: “ Yet another outspoken white man ,” Nov. 14, 2011, page 10. Aiden Enns’s conundrum of tending to “favour the words of whites and males” is an... Read More
February 29, 2012 | Viewpoints |
Mennonite poet and writer Julia Spicher Kasdorf wonders why Martyrs Mirror , the “big unreadable book,” as she calls it, is making a comeback in her generation of young Mennonites... Read More
February 29, 2012 | Editorial | Dick Benner
This past year I prepared for ordination with Mennonite Church Canada. Part of the process of ordination is to read and comment on aspects of our Confession of Faith in Mennonite... Read More
February 15, 2012 | Viewpoints | David Driedger
I am beginning to wonder why there is an increasingly eerie silence on four points: First, violence against the unborn. Persevering to end violence in all forms is a work of the... Read More
February 15, 2012 | Viewpoints | Phil Wagler
Last fall, the leadership in Mennonite Church Saskatchewan organized regional consultations with congregational leaders. We were very pleased at the thoughtful participation from... Read More
February 15, 2012 | Viewpoints | Renata Klassen
Climate change is happening Climate change is one of the most serious problems to face humanity right now, a long slow process that will hit the most vulnerable human populations... Read More
February 15, 2012 | Viewpoints |
To my family, Since our Saskatchewan correspondent wanted to write about caring for seniors in the church (p. 4), I wanted to share some personal thoughts triggered by her... Read More
February 15, 2012 | Editorial | Dick Benner
Seven years ago one of my professors suggested our class watch the television series LOST to better understand life in postmodernity . I followed up on the homework assignment and... Read More
February 1, 2012 | Viewpoints | Troy Watson
When was the last time you prayed for your treasurer or thanked him or her for his or her work? Your treasurer is a key person in church operations and carries a great deal of... Read More
February 1, 2012 | Viewpoints | Sherri Grosz
I am crocheting a baby afghan. The soft, multi-coloured yarn slides through my fingers. I catch it on the end a hook, spin and loop it into the expanding blanket. My cat lies... Read More
February 1, 2012 | Viewpoints | Melissa Miller
Come to the defence of ‘God’s great gift’ In the beginning—13.7 billion years ago—God created the heavens, also known as the universe; 4.5 billion years ago God created our planet... Read More
February 1, 2012 | Viewpoints |
Stuart Murray, the “outsider” Anabaptist, is making his rounds in our circles with his book The Naked Anabaptist and Richard Rohr, the Franciscan priest, is making his way into... Read More
February 1, 2012 | Editorial | Dick Benner
