
Dusting off our Bibles for assembly? If indeed they are dusty, something has gone wrong for the people of the Book.Read More
June 6, 2012 | Editorial | Dick Benner
According to Moses Znaimer, founder and CEO of ZoomerMedia Limited, “Everybody wants to live long, but nobody wants to be ‘Old’.”Read More
May 23, 2012 | Viewpoints | Sherri Grosz
Will it matter a hundred years from now? This is a question I have come to ask myself when I’m tied up in knots about a family or work situation. I find it to be especially... Read More
May 23, 2012 | Viewpoints | Melissa Miller
With a Canadian average life expectancy of about 80.7 years, many of us are—or will be—classified as “seniors” for the last third of our lifespan. Researchers on aging now claim... Read More
May 23, 2012 | Viewpoints | Elsie Rempel
Mennonites can serve Jesus Christ . . . or Stephen HarperRead More
May 23, 2012 | Viewpoints |
His voice was anxious. Member of Parliament Paul Calandra was on the other end of the line. From his office in Ottawa, he seemed uncomfortable with the interview, hesitating, from... Read More
May 23, 2012 | Editorial | Dick Benner
Spring is here! And with it come various chores around the yard and garden: cleaning out the withered growth left after the snow melted, digging the moist earth to let in air and... Read More
May 9, 2012 | Viewpoints | By Liz Koop
I was asked to preach on Earth Day. If I was a typical Mennonite minister, I would start with a few statistics, cite high levels of consumption, touch on some exotic form of... Read More
May 9, 2012 | Viewpoints | Aiden Enns
I was engaged for four months before the big day. Engagement is an interval in time determined by things that are no longer and things that are not yet. The engaged are not really... Read More
May 9, 2012 | Viewpoints | Phil Wagler
So what does it mean to be the church in one place for 75 years? Actually we’re the church in many places, yet we are all under one umbrella. Sometimes we call Mennonite Church... Read More
May 9, 2012 | Viewpoints | Garry Janzen
‘African’ titles misleadingRead More
May 9, 2012 | Viewpoints |
Are our Mennonite institutions an endangered species? Are they headed for extinction in this post-Christian era when the emphasis seems to be more on “spiritual” than “religious”?Read More
May 9, 2012 | Editorial | Dick Benner
“How can so much evil and suffering exist in a world created by an all loving, all knowing, all-powerful God?” This question is often cited as the Achilles heel of Christian... Read More
April 25, 2012 | Viewpoints | By Troy Watson
Generosity doesn’t just happen. It can be learned. ZenithOptimedia projects that advertisers in Canada will spend $11.3 billion in 2012, hoping that consumers will learn to spend... Read More
April 25, 2012 | Viewpoints | Dori Zerbe Cornelsen
Occasionally, because of my background in dramatic arts and pastoral ministry, I have been asked how well worship and drama mix. The query often assumes a disconnect between the... Read More
April 25, 2012 | Viewpoints | Arlyn Friesen Epp
Aid funding redirected to international trade The hammer that had earlier fallen on faith-based organizations such as Kairos and Mennonite Central Committee (“On shaky ground,”... Read More
April 25, 2012 | Viewpoints |
Springtime was in full theatre as we travelled back from Virginia on a Sunday morning recently after a week’s break. Viewing the redbud , dogwood and lilacs providing the backdrop... Read More
April 25, 2012 | Editorial | Dick Benner
The gospel is good news. It is not therapy, opium or merely a good idea among many good ideas. The gospel is a journey into a foreign land. It is power. It is surprise. Dietrich... Read More
April 11, 2012 | Viewpoints | Phil Wagler
I have a hard time not thinking of myself as a Mennonite. I grew up in a Mennonite community, attended a Mennonite seminary and have worshipped predominantly in Mennonite churches... Read More
April 11, 2012 | Viewpoints | Anthony G. Siegrist
Recently there has been more sharing via Facebook by people who grew up at Morrison Academy in Taiwan. This has brought back to life a number of memories. One of these was a... Read More
April 11, 2012 | Viewpoints | Dan Graber
Pointless to teach anything other than Jesus and him crucified Re: “ No religion superior to another ,” March 19, page 36. I am very concerned after reading this article in... Read More
April 11, 2012 | Viewpoints |
“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one... Read More
April 11, 2012 | Editorial | Dick Benner
“You can’t be serious. Pork! Pork is what you eat for breakfast, not fish, not lobster and definitely not sushi! What is this world coming to? Fish for breakfast? This is an... Read More
March 28, 2012 | Viewpoints | By Troy Watson
We are nearing the end of another Canadian winter and looking forward to a change of seasons. Some of you may already be making plans for your summer vacation. Some may have plans... Read More
March 28, 2012 | Viewpoints | Harold Penner
