
Portrayal of Old Colony Mennonites called ‘irresponsible and unethical’Read More
August 27, 2013 | Viewpoints |
Two stories on sexual abuse have re-emerged recently on the Mennonite scene that call for sober reflection and some self-examination, but not self-obsession. They should be seen,... Read More
August 27, 2013 | Editorial | Dick Benner
The new movie about Steve Jobs is short on anything explicitly religious. Like its main character, however, it’s got a thread of transcendence running through it. The truth about... Read More
August 20, 2013 | Viewpoints | By JEFFREY WEISS
Time has its way. As does the Spirit. The accelerating interest in and widespread appreciation for John Howard Yoder’s theological work has also provoked renewed calls for the... Read More
August 14, 2013 | Viewpoints | By Sara Wenger Shenk
In his July 8, 2013 editorial, Dick Benner considers “the trouble with labels.” He says that in our pluralistic society we tend to put people into boxes with a smug “now we know... Read More
August 14, 2013 | Viewpoints | Royden Loewen
The quest for truth and reconciliation is a high and holy one that inspires us even with its flaws and imperfections. Those who have observed and participated in the first nations... Read More
August 14, 2013 | Viewpoints | Jerry Buhler
Right now, my family and I are living in mild chaos. Boxes are stacked against the walls, bookshelves are empty, the give-away piles mount and to-do lists abound. We’re moving... Read More
August 14, 2013 | Viewpoints | Katie Doke Sawatzky
I just turned 41. Finding new aches that never used to be there. Peculiar. Discovering a nap is disturbingly easy to slip into. Odd. Found some hair growing on my ear. Just plain... Read More
August 14, 2013 | Viewpoints | Phil Wagler
Movie ‘gave me something to rankle against’Read More
August 14, 2013 | Viewpoints |
It is a great experience to be on the board of Canadian Mennonite. On a personal level, it is both fun and interesting. You get to meet other Mennonites from across the country... Read More
August 13, 2013 | Editorial | Tobi Thiessen
A tech writer’s obituary for PCWorld’s print magazine — part tongue-in-cheek, part nostalgia riff — reminded me that I once devoured that magazine, now kaput. It was an early lens... Read More
July 30, 2013 | Viewpoints | Tom Ehrich
“Can I get a ride sir?”Read More
July 24, 2013 | Viewpoints | By Troy Watson
Something about the placement of the living room furniture caught my attention. With its cozy circle of a comfy couch and chairs, it subtly signaled invitation and welcome. On a... Read More
July 24, 2013 | Viewpoints | Melissa Miller
November of 2012 brought us our first grandchild and with our grandson came a myriad of hopes and dreams. What will he be like? What will he contribute to society? How will his... Read More
July 24, 2013 | Viewpoints | by Arnie Friesen
The pictures I coloured in grade school were neat and tidy, coloured within the lines. Darker lines marked the borders, every section clearly separated from the other; emerald... Read More
July 24, 2013 | Viewpoints | Carol Penner
Columnist offers apology for Metzger character assessmentRead More
July 24, 2013 | Viewpoints |
My, what a summer—unexpected flooding in central and southern Alberta, oil rail tankers exploding in Lac-Mégantic, devastating that small rural town in Quebec, record-setting heat... Read More
July 24, 2013 | Editorial | Dick Benner
Tumult in Egypt reminds me how complicated the world can be, especially for a culture like our own that is shaped by good guy vs. bad guy dramas. Who are the “good guys” in Cairo... Read More
July 9, 2013 | Viewpoints | Tom Ehrich
The best part of growing up in a close-knit church community is the sense that people who are not your relatives become your extended family. At Sherbrooke Mennonite Church in... Read More
July 3, 2013 | Viewpoints | Aiden Enns
The end of our kids’ sporting seasons brings about the obligatory team party. As a parent, such events feel a bit like a high school reunion. Most of us are generally the same age... Read More
July 3, 2013 | Viewpoints | Phil Wagler
Recent Canadian statistics reveal that as many as half of first nations children and about a third of immigrant children live below the poverty line. How is it possible that in... Read More
July 3, 2013 | Viewpoints | Norm Voth
Metzger’s servant leadership should be applauded, not criticizedRead More
July 3, 2013 | Viewpoints |
In an increasingly polarized culture, we seem to be plagued more and more with labels that define us. Driven by an obsession to organize our society, we put each other into the... Read More
July 3, 2013 | Editorial | Dick Benner
After almost 40 years, Exodus International is closing its doors. It was the oldest Christian services group of its kind and a market leader in reparative/ex-gay/sexual... Read More
June 21, 2013 | Viewpoints | By CINDI LOVE
