
It was Easter Sunday, and after the sun came up over the horizon during our congregational sunrise service, we all tramped inside to share an amazing potluck breakfast spread. My... Read More
May 4, 2023 | Opinion | Arli Klassen
When Sarah Kathleen Johnson was an undergraduate student at Conrad Grebel University College in Waterloo, Ont., she wrote a hymn text based on Psalm 139. More than a decade later... Read More
May 4, 2023 | Opinion | Anneli Loepp Thiessen
According to a recent Wall Street Journal -Norc poll, the smallest percentage of Americans (12 percent) said they were “very happy” since 1972. These “very happy” people share a... Read More
May 4, 2023 | Opinion | Troy Watson
Once upon a time, there was a belief in the Canadian Mennonite church that if it welcomed new people of colour, immigrants and refugees, these newcomers would eventually join and... Read More
May 4, 2023 | Opinion | Joon Park
During the Papal visit to Canada in the summer of 2022, observers and news-watchers likely caught glimpses of banners and heard chants to reject or repudiate the Doctrine of... Read More
April 20, 2023 | Editorial | Jonathan Neufeld
The religion of peace The week the F-35 fighter jet was on the cover (Jan. 30), I had pulled an antique book of sermons off the shelf that my wife had from her grandmother... Read More
April 20, 2023 | Opinion |
Have you ever heard of the 4 Cs? In education, the 4 Cs refer to 21st century learning skills including critical thinking, creative thinking, communicating and collaborating. In... Read More
April 20, 2023 | Opinion | Ann L. Schultz
In 2023, the Mennonite Heritage Archives celebrates 90 years of service to the Mennonite community. It can trace its roots to the Conference of Mennonites in Canada’s annual... Read More
April 20, 2023 | Opinion | Conrad Stoesz
A recent weekend was exhausting, delightful, enlightening, hilarious, touching . . . and exhausting. The stars lined up in such a way that we kept our youngest grandchild, seven-... Read More
April 20, 2023 | Opinion | Ed Olfert
A dandelion tattoo festoons my left forearm, a puffball ready to launch its wispy seeds. Asked to speak at one of our congregations one Sunday, I intended to start the children’s... Read More
April 20, 2023 | Opinion | Randolph Haluza-DeLay
“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want” (Psalm 23:1). Despite regular self-reminders of my abundance, I want. Despite the ongoing conversations with my children about our... Read More
April 20, 2023 | Opinion | Joshua Penfold
“I am convinced more so now than ever before that every neighbourhood deserves a Jesus-centred, disciple-making peace presence.” Norm Dyck starts the 2022 Church Planting Resource... Read More
April 6, 2023 | Editorial | Will Braun
Adjusting to ‘no longer being dominant’ In his “ Is the ban back? ” editorial in the March 13 issue, Will Braun encourages readers to “ask Mennonite professors, pastors, students... Read More
April 6, 2023 | Opinion |
How much can we learn from a list? This image is from a list of Mennonite immigrants from the Soviet Union (Russlaender) living in Vineland, Ont., in 1924. We can see family... Read More
April 6, 2023 | Opinion | Laureen Harder-Gissing
The regional churches have identified several key ministry areas which receive nationwide coordination and support from Mennonite Church Canada: International Witness, Indigenous... Read More
April 6, 2023 | Opinion | Arlyn Friesen Epp
I am always interested in the impact of culture on faith, and vice versa. Western culture places a high value on personal agency, the ability to make individual decisions that... Read More
April 6, 2023 | Opinion | Arli Klassen
In Canada, conversations about reconciliation with Indigenous peoples are often at the forefront of community and public life. These discussions extend to our worship practices as... Read More
April 6, 2023 | Opinion | Anneli Loepp Thiessen
In my eyes, Pauline (a pseudonym) is a more faithful and mature Christian than I am. She embodies the servant-hearted love of Christ. Her life and faith inspire me. Imagine my... Read More
April 6, 2023 | Opinion | Troy Watson
If you are a student learning early Anabaptist spirituality, Leonhard Schiemer’s treatise, Three Kinds of Grace Found in the Scriptures cannot be missed. In his short writing, he... Read More
April 6, 2023 | Opinion | Joon Park
It’s not easy to come up with fresh, new material for Easter, so we dug up something nearly 500 years old instead. We’re putting the “Menno” in Canadian Mennonite , literally—the... Read More
March 23, 2023 | Editorial | Will Braun
Alvin Baroro On page 6 of the Feb. 13 issue is a picture mentioning two people’s names and identifying another as “an Indigenous coffee grower.” Please do better than that and... Read More
March 23, 2023 | Opinion |
Last month I was sleeping in my hotel in Vietnam when loud karaoke music started playing outside. The music was so loud that I thought my window was open, so I turned the lights... Read More
March 23, 2023 | Opinion | Kevin Barkowsky
Gilbert Snider stokes his wood-fed, maple-syrup evaporator in rural Waterloo County in 1954. The photographer, David L. Hunsberger, took many photos of working life in Ontario’s... Read More
March 23, 2023 | Opinion | Laureen Harder-Gissing
On Thursday mornings, I drive an hour north to the Saskatchewan Penitentiary, a federal institution in Prince Albert. I am escorted through the belly of the beast to the chapel... Read More
March 23, 2023 | Opinion | Ed Olfert
Normally I hearken closely to the words of Jesus. But although he advises that we consider the sparrows of the field, I’d rather pay attention to chickadees. Being commonplace... Read More
March 23, 2023 | Opinion | Randolph Haluza-DeLay
