
A letter writer in this issue questions the practice of yoga and doing labyrinths and other types of what she calls “non-biblical meditation and prayer.” “Are these practices of... Read More
January 29, 2014 | Editorial | Dick Benner
There is no one-size-fits-all formula for attuning oneself to the Holy Spirit. We are all wired differently. This means we will often have to take different approaches to... Read More
January 29, 2014 | Viewpoints | Troy Watson
What makes people happier: spending money on themselves or giving to others? It might surprise many of us to learn that research done by Elizabeth W. Dunn, a social psychologist... Read More
January 29, 2014 | Viewpoints | Dori Zerbe Cornelsen
A disturbing cartoon from childhood has stayed with me. In the cartoon, a pig—of course!—was over-eating, stuffing himself from a heavily laden table. At the very end, the pig... Read More
January 29, 2014 | Viewpoints | Melissa Miller
Those who survived Indian Residential Schools, Mennonite Church Canada members and South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission participants all have one thing in common... Read More
January 29, 2014 | Viewpoints | Korey Dyck
Be careful of what the church is ‘shifting’ from I am writing out of care and concern for the church. There are many practices coming in and I hear more and more people in the... Read More
January 29, 2014 | Viewpoints |
Across Canada, generations of women have been walking together in faith. As early as 1786, when Mennonites first began arriving from Pennsylvania, up until today, Mennonite women... Read More
January 14, 2014 | Viewpoints | By Liz Koop
I used to be the circulation and fulfillment manager for a small, independent, faith-based magazine. Ever-increasing postage rates and pressure to increase online presence were... Read More
January 14, 2014 | Viewpoints | Katie Doke Sawatzky
My city had a year of sorrow sadly stamped by the death of Julie Paskall on Dec. 29. It was Surrey’s 25th murder of the year. The 53-year-old mom was randomly beaten to death in... Read More
January 14, 2014 | Viewpoints | Phil Wagler
Sometimes I find the relationship between church and business a little baffling. It seems that the business world is increasingly adopting Christian values and practices to run... Read More
January 14, 2014 | Viewpoints | David Martin
Nelson Mandela: We all love a hero Politicians and celebrities need saints to lean on. And so it was this time around, that after Nelson Mandela died all the most important... Read More
January 14, 2014 | Viewpoints |
Bone-chilling blizzards, record-breaking deep freezes, ferocious winds, devastating floods, ice storms downing trees and power lines, leaving hundreds of thousands without heat... Read More
January 14, 2014 | Editorial | Dick Benner
In my last article, I explained that baptizo (the Greek word for “baptize”) means to merge or saturate something to the point of transforming its essence. One of the oldest... Read More
December 31, 2013 | Viewpoints | Troy Watson
“In your 50s, you find out what ‘cards’ you got in the gene pool,” I’ve heard it said. In the past year, this truism took on personal meaning. Unusual chest pains sent me to my... Read More
December 31, 2013 | Viewpoints | Melissa Miller
“Pay now . . . or really pay later.” This recent Winnipeg Free Press headline pointed to the close relationship between investing in education and healthcare for the very young,... Read More
December 31, 2013 | Viewpoints | Dave Bergen
Daughter of Pembina Place resident disputes ‘quality of care’ comment Re: “ Bethania Group dismisses CEO ,” Oct. 14, 2013, page 23. I read with interest the article outlining... Read More
December 31, 2013 | Viewpoints |
What will the issues be for Canadians in 2014, my American friend asked me over the Christmas break. A good but difficult question, I said to myself—a query worth sharing with my... Read More
December 31, 2013 | Editorial | Dick Benner
Next to biblical nativity stories, How the Grinch Stole Christmas by Dr. Seuss is one of my favourite seasonal tales. We read it as a family every Christmas Eve. While we... Read More
December 11, 2013 | Viewpoints | By Andrew Suderman
Every Advent I recall December 2003 when I found myself swept along in the tide of pilgrims advancing toward one of the world’s most visited holy sites. The crowds were drawn by... Read More
December 11, 2013 | Viewpoints | By Will Braun
We just got back from a church lunch. Sitting at our table was our young family, a couple in their early 30s and three people in their senior years: a couple and a widow. While... Read More
December 11, 2013 | Viewpoints | Katie Doke Sawatzky
Every other Saturday evening the discipleship group our family participates in meets. Various ages, including a boatload of energetic children, gather to enjoy life together, be... Read More
December 11, 2013 | Viewpoints | Phil Wagler
What is the nature of the church today and the nature of the church to come? Will it continue to be important to organize our churches into denominational bodies or is there... Read More
December 11, 2013 | Viewpoints | Ken Warkentin
Reader finds issue ‘disturbing’ Three items in the Oct. 28 “peacemaking” issue disturbed me: • I deplore that Dennis Gruending’s corrective of the Sept. 16 “ Holy Contradiction ”... Read More
December 11, 2013 | Viewpoints |
“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to [all] on whom his favour rests” (Luke 2:14) will be read and re-read in our places of worship this Advent season as well as... Read More
December 11, 2013 | Editorial | Dick Benner
If, according to the gospels, baptizing people with the Holy Spirit was Jesus' primary mission, what exactly is Spirit baptism? I believe it has little to do with spectacular... Read More
November 20, 2013 | Viewpoints | Troy Watson
