
It was a huge painting. At least 3 x 3 metres. It was part of a show in the Dominican church of San Domingo, built over and incorporating Qurikancha, a central Inca complex in... Read More
June 17, 2015 | Viewpoints |
As of the end of 2015, the Mennonite Brethren Herald , the 54-year-old periodical of the Canadian Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches, will cease to exist. This untimely... Read More
June 3, 2015 | Editorial |
‘What a blessing’ the Bible is Re: “ Bible reading meant less Canadian Mennonite reading ” letter, March 30, page 13. The Bible cannot be read like any other book. The truths of... Read More
June 3, 2015 | Viewpoints |
How to plant a church is not a big mystery. Any good Mennonite gardener knew how to take a clump of bulbs from her front garden, split them up and transplant them into the bed at... Read More
June 3, 2015 | Viewpoints | David Martin
I’m in a beautiful and sorrowful place. My travels have brought me to a stunning seaside within a country that significantly restricts the proclamation of Jesus as Messiah and... Read More
June 3, 2015 | Viewpoints | Phil Wagler
I am, and always have been, a “doer,” and my late husband was the same. If people needed help, we found a way to help them. If something was broken, we found a way to fix it. I... Read More
June 3, 2015 | Viewpoints | Maciel Hernandez
History of Niagara Township Credit Union clarified by a founder’s son Re: “‘ Mennonite’ name should stay ” letter, March 30, page 10. Albert Isaac’s comments about the Niagara... Read More
May 21, 2015 | Viewpoints |
The Anabaptist/Mennonite worldwide communion has come a long way since the first Mennonite World Conference some 90 years ago. Organized by Christian Neff, a German Mennonite... Read More
May 20, 2015 | Editorial |
When I was called to serve on the Mennonite Church Canada General Board in 2006, church participation and financial giving were in slow decline. The looming threat of cutbacks... Read More
May 20, 2015 | Viewpoints | Hilda Hildebrand
“There’s a gift for you in my office,” my husband announced cheerily. “What?!?” I exclaimed, puzzled at such a development. He repeated the news and added, “It’s a dress to wear... Read More
May 20, 2015 | Viewpoints |
On a sunny lunch break while attending high school, I went for my customary walk into town. A classmate drove up in his shiny two-door coupe and offered a ride. Because he had... Read More
May 20, 2015 | Viewpoints | Arnie Friesen
One minute César García is talking with awe about a postmodern work of art in a thriving Amsterdam Mennonite church, and the next he’s speaking with similar awe about a Mennonite... Read More
May 20, 2015 | Viewpoints | Will Braun
One of my atheist friends told me about a unique encounter with a “holy” man that ignited her spiritual awakening. She met a Buddhist monk visiting the city she lived in, and her... Read More
May 20, 2015 | Viewpoints | Troy Watson
That’s right—the mere cost of a cappuccino at Starbucks by 33 of your friends every day for three months provides relief for 1,000 refugees or some 200 families in war-torn Syria... Read More
May 6, 2015 | Editorial |
Polarizing sexual debate distresses reader I am distressed by the polarizing debate on sexuality in Mennonite Church Canada congregations. I wonder if adequate consideration is... Read More
May 6, 2015 | Viewpoints |
I have been caught by the need for justice in our world of late. I am on the e-mail list of Rabbis for Human Rights who are actively standing up for justice for all people who are... Read More
May 6, 2015 | Viewpoints | Garry Janzen
My beautiful wife and I had the pleasure recently of leading a couple’s retreat on an island just off British Columbia’s mainland. It was a glorious weekend—sans kids for us—with... Read More
May 6, 2015 | Viewpoints | Phil Wagler
My family and I often walk through the old-growth forests that surround the University of British Columbia (UBC) campus and then down to the waters of English Bay. There is lots... Read More
May 6, 2015 | Viewpoints | Katie Doke Sawatzky
It was a “burning bush moment” that got Marian Hooge Jones of Rosthern (Sask.) Mennonite Church started on her lengthy involvement with the sponsorship of refugee families from... Read More
May 6, 2015 | Viewpoints | Naomi Unger
“Discernment” has been a much-used word and concept in interpreting the Bible over the past number of years. Mainly we have defined it as a working tool to determine what God in... Read More
April 22, 2015 | Editorial |
Wouldn’t it be nice if the Bible’s answers were ‘cut and dried’? While I haven’t got any answers, I have been reading with interest the articles and letters about sexuality issues... Read More
April 22, 2015 | Viewpoints |
“Yep, I have to get an annual membership.” That customer comment reflects growing excitement over CommonWord, the new resource venture of Mennonite Church Canada and Canadian... Read More
April 22, 2015 | Viewpoints | Arlyn Friesen Epp
On a lovely summer day while walking down the street, a young woman approached me and politely asked if she could show me a magic trick. Given a host of cues, I assumed she would... Read More
April 22, 2015 | Viewpoints |
An early sign of spring in southern Ontario is seeing sports teams move their practices outside. The sight of children and youth in colourful uniforms on the soccer pitch is a... Read More
April 22, 2015 | Viewpoints | Marlow Gingerich
One of the many fascinating events to occur in the Book of Exodus is God “leaving” the mountain of God (Mount Sinai) to travel with the Hebrews to the Promised Land in a portable... Read More
April 22, 2015 | Viewpoints | Troy Watson
