MC Manitoba records slight deficit


Tom Seals, Mennonite Church Manitoba treasurer, reported that donations from congregations in 2009 were down by 3.4 percent, or $23,442. Although the congregational giving budget had been decreased from the year before, it still meant giving was 2.8 percent less than budgeted.

Other donations, however, exceeded budget. Much of that difference came from unbudgeted donations for the Faith and Life Men’s tour to South America and income from some of the camps.

“In general, expenditures were in line with the budget in 2009,” said Seals at last month’s annual delegate sessions.

The year ended with a surplus of $33,283, Seals reported. “After transfers totalling $42,409 were made to/from internally restricted accounts, we were left with a deficit of $9,126 for the year.”

At the 2009 fall delegate sessions, delegates approved a congregational giving budget for 2010 of $691,779, as compared with $666,043 actually received in 2009.

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