
May 16-18


“(Trans)formation in Christian discipleship,” an MC Alberta faith studies event, at Lethbridge Mennonite Church. Speaker: Gil Dueck, former academic dean of Bethany College. For more information and to register, visit (16,17) Public evening sessions also available.

Apr. 30


Mennonite Historical Society of Alberta is hosting its annual general meeting and spring conference, “Rethinking Mennonite history in light of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission,” at Holyrood Mennonite Church, Edmonton. For more details, or to register, call 780-318-4186 or visit

Jun. 4


Heritage retreat for those 50 and over at Camp Valaqua, Water Valley, from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Theme: “Refugees/in search of a homeland. For more information, call Hugo Neufeld at 403-201-4358 or e-mail

Nov 21, Nov 22


Calgary book launch for Hugo Neufeld’s book, Words that Enlighten, and Donita Wiebe-Neufeld’s children’s book, Thirty Bucks, Nov. 21, 7:00 p.m. at Foothills Mennonite Church, and Nov. 22, 4:00 p.m. at Trinity Mennonite Church.

Nov. 21


Mennonite Historical Society of Alberta annual general meeting, at Trinity Mennonite Church, De Winton, Alta., at 1:30 p.m. Speaker: Esther Epp-Tiessen, author of “Mennonite Central Committee in Canada: A History.”

Oct. 17


“Christian-Muslim dialogue: Building community together” event, at St. Charles Catholic Church, Edmonton. MC Alberta and MCC Alberta staff are involved in the planning and hosting.

May 31


Edmonton First Mennonite hosts “Bicycle Built for Two” by Theatre of the Beat, at 7 p.m. For more information, call 780-436-3431.


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