Issue: Volume 28 Issue 9

  • Tokyo Anabaptist Centre a hub of activity

    Tokyo Anabaptist Centre a hub of activity

    The Tokyo Anabaptist Centre has been a busy—and sometimes dusty—place this year, reports Gerald Neufeld, Canadian church worker in Japan. Neufeld and his wife, Rie, who serve as relationship catalysts with Mennonite Church Canada, hosted workdays with volunteers at the end of December as part of a renovation of the Centre. While only partially moved in,…

  • Windsor church addresses toxic drug crisis

    Windsor church addresses toxic drug crisis

    Rielly McLaren says the grief caused by toxic drug deaths feels staggering and palpable in his community. McLaren, who pastors Windsor Mennonite Fellowship, also serves as chaplain to men transitioning into new communities after completing prison sentences. The toxic drug crisis has hit both those communities. McLaren was one of five clergy from Windsor, Timmins,…

  • Volume 28, Issue 9

  • A bullet point editorial

    A bullet point editorial

    This issue of CM contains much intense material. I want to take this opportunity to not add to that, (though I had started writing about an unanswerable question I inherited when I took this job). Instead, I offer quick thoughts on a bunch of elements in the following pages (with page numbers in parentheses). I…

  • Faith Before Flags

    Faith Before Flags

    I spent my mid-twenties holding my disability flag high, confident that I’d found my calling. This was my cause. These were my people. Wholly devoted to the disability community and its quest for equality, I wrote and spoke, adding my voice to the throng of those already raising the battle cry. This was where I…

  • Involuntary: Terminated MCC workers call for accountability and change

    Involuntary: Terminated MCC workers call for accountability and change

    “I still use it,” Anicka Fast says of the brownish knitted potholder she received at Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) orientation in Akron, Pennsylvania, in 2009. Fast and her husband John Clarke were en route to their first MCC assignment at the time. Fast is grateful to the women who, for many years, offered those hand-crafted…