Brave birds still fly through fog
The other Sunday, the chairs in our sanctuary were pulled up to round tables. You know you’re in for something different when that happens, and this extrovert with opinions to spare was pumped. I was going to share the heck out of whatever needed sharing. I couldn’t contain my glee when I discovered there were…
A modest proposal
The question was how churches in North America could directly communicate their support to Palestin- ian churches. It came during a December 18 call that Mennonite Central Committee convened with four Palestinian pastors and several dozen North Americans. Pastor Ashraf Tannous unmuted, then muted again; he hesitated and hedged, eventually responding with uncommon candour. “Honestly…
Seek the blessing of your city
“That’s great!” That is my usual response when I speak with individuals and churches who name a desire to engage their neighbourhoods more actively, or to be a mission presence in their community. And yet, at some point in every one of these conversations, I need to ask the question, “Why?” Why do you want…
God on the line
In this new joint column, the four writers will take turns writing the primary column, with the other three offering replies. God on the line By Ryan Dueck I recently became the owner of an orange rotary telephone. This artifact came to me via a Christmas gift exchange for which guests were instructed to repurpose…
On loneliness and lifelines
This most recent December terrified me. Moving to Toronto in the first year of the pandemic and certain events since mean I haven’t made many social connections in this city. My few good friends here all had major life changes recently. Family and most friends live elsewhere, and persistent health issues have reduced my resilience.…
New church launches in Kelowna
The new year has brought a new church to the Glenmore area of Kelowna, and it has given an old church building new life. Valley Road Church, a ministry of Mennonite Church B.C., held its first worship service on January 7 with Jordan Pilgrim as pastor. Pilgrim relates a remarkable story of how this new…
The power of the pencil
When it comes to making art, Alvin Pauls isn’t concerned with the outcome. “It’s all in the doing,” the Winnipeg artist says. “The end result is not important.” Dressed in a black sweater over a brown turtleneck, jeans and blue slip-on shoes, Pauls is walking around “From Here to There,” a retrospective exhibit of his…
‘We’re capable of lots of things’
Welcome to “Life in the 80s,” a semi-regular series in which we ask people in their 80s or 90s to share their wisdom. Margaret Balzer (nee Epp), 82, grew up on a farm near Didsbury, Alberta, and attended Bergthaler Mennonite Church. Following graduation from Rosthern Junior College, she attended nursing school in Calgary. Balzer served…