Behind the scenes at CM
Here are some things you may not know about Canadian Mennonite: • It takes a while The print magazine goes through a production schedule that includes the writing, editing, proofing, design, printing and mailing. Each issue takes two weeks to produce (three weeks in the summer and at Christmas), but it takes Canada Post up…
Is belief in Jesus’ resurrection necessary?
It’s a question I’ve heard many times over the years: “Do Christians really need to believe in Jesus’ resurrection?” It is, after all, a pretty difficult idea to accept. And this is not just a modern difficulty. It’s been obvious to humans for a very long time that dead people stay dead. It can also…
Readers write: March 12, 2018 issue
Lenten prayer sheet reflects Lululemon spirituality A friend recently sent me the new “Lenten Guided Prayer Experience,” issued by the Mennonite Spiritual Directors of Eastern Canada. It is a curious document, symptomatic of what regularly circulates in the pages of Canadian Mennonite and passes for theology in many congregations. I mean here a sort of…
Our baseline for unity
What is our baseline for unity in the church? The most basic shared reality is that the church is a community of people who follow and walk faithfully with Jesus Christ. In order to follow, this means that we know Jesus. The word “to know” in the Bible has an understanding of an intimate relationship.…
The power of being ‘with’
There was an intense, seemingly overwhelming ache in my heart. Separated by 2,500 kilometres for our third school year apart, I longed for my sweetheart. I read her letters over and over, and again once more. They offered a delightful glimpse into her mind and heart, but they just didn’t cut it. I wanted nothing…
Butternut bisque recipe
Last fall when Erin Froese and her household received the gift of many large squash they had trouble using it all up. They made a couple large pots of Butternut bisque and invited their neighbours to join them for a winter soup night. See the story by Erin Froese at canadianmennonite.org/stories/squash-main-course-fellowship Recipe is from Simply…
Squash: A main course for fellowship
When a friend asked me last spring if I would like to live with nine other people for the following school year, my initial reaction was a firm no. I couldn’t imagine figuring out all of the details like eating, cleaning, sharing spaces and resolving conflicts, among many others. Despite my hesitation, somehow I found…
This image of a Passover meal appears next to Exodus 12 in a Bible published in Zurich in 1531. The idea of owning a family Bible, especially in one’s own language, was very new at the time for families of modest means. This particular Bible travelled from Switzerland to Pennsylvania to Ontario with the Reesor…
B.C. gathering engages difficult issues
Hearing and respecting one another in the face of potential conflict was emphasized when Mennonite Church British Columbia met at Eden Mennonite Church on Feb. 24 for the regional church’s annual gathering. Those in charge of the meeting sought God’s wisdom and the delegate body’s cooperation. “I pray that we will speak to each other…