Listening with the heart
Listening on both sides is vital as indigenous people and settlers continue to learn to walk beside, and relate to, each other. This was one key point that some 70 participants took away from a day-long meeting at Columbia Bible College on April 9, 2016, called “Journey of reconciliation: Listening to indigenous elders.” The event…
Staying alive amid new financial realities
It was the re-entry of the commercial banks into the agricultural lending sector that tipped the balance at Mennonite Savings and Credit Union (MSCU), prompting its leaders to believe that they had to do something sooner, rather than later, for the future success and survival of this 52-year-old southern Ontario institution. While low residential mortgage…
Pizza lessons
John Biakte, left, Tha Kim and Nan Tin enjoy their first experience of making pizza dough on Feb. 13, 2016, with instruction from Karin Krahn, right. More than 20 people from Foothills Mennonite Church (Calgary, Alta.), Calgary Chin Christian Church and Calgary Chin Evangelical Fellowship got together for an afternoon of learning, laughter and applause…
‘I am proud of my roots’
Peter Harder, a retired senior bureaucrat and high-level corporate advisor with Mennonite roots, was named by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as the Liberal government’s leader in the Senate on March 18. Having led Trudeau’s transition team following last fall’s election, Harder’s new job will be to move government legislation through a divided Senate in which…
Climbing toward a greater unknown
Spending time with his band mates is one of the first things Oh Village singer/pianist Scott Currie mentions when asked about the best part of making Ocris, the band’s second full-length album. “My favourite part of the week was Friday mornings,” the 21-year-old says. “Every Friday morning we would get together and just talk and…
Outside his comfort zone
Six months into his first pastoral job, Moses Falco feels very inadequate. “Am I really cut out for this?” and “Do I have the skills to be in this position?” are questions he has discussed with members of the church council and deacons. Although he feels inadequate, Falco—who is the sole pastor at Sterling Mennonite…
The animals of MCC
Around the world, MCC supports projects that help families make a better living, helping them pay for food or school for their children. Sometimes those projects involve animals—getting loans to buy them or training and new techniques to raise them. Here’s a glimpse of some of the MCC animals and how they are at work…