No more closed doors
The pastors of Mennonite Church British Columbia got together recently in a closed meeting to discuss their response to the Being a Faithful Church 7 resolution passed at Assembly 2016. The resolution “creates space for some congregations and individuals to embrace committed same-sex relationships in a way not reflected in our Confession of Faith.” (See “Delegates…
Instilling faith at home
At times we have been both inspired and overwhelmed by the parenting books that crowd bookstore and library shelves. We have also found useful advice, and a dauntingly high bar, in countless parenting blogs and social media posts. This abundance of resources is one indication that we live in a society that takes child-rearing very…
Readers write: November 7, 2016 issue
Philpott deserves better from us Re: “Put not your trust in ‘princesses’ ” letter, Sept. 26, page 10. I am irritated when the press and the public berate our government ministers for spending money on hotel rooms and taxis. I have travelled for my work and, in my experience, it gets old very quickly. I…
‘ReLearning’ community
As a Mennonite baby boomer, going to church was family reunion, Christian faith and social life all rolled up into one tight-knit package. Floradale (Ont.) Mennonite Church was my community. Community is a core strength of Mennonite churches. Surviving and thriving came from a dependence on God and each other. Even though my tribe…
Our heritage is . . .
Our family was invited to an Indo-Canadian family birthday celebration. A one-year milestone, particularly for a son, is a monumental occasion in our friend’s culture. The colourful dress, curried-sensations and dancing were a little overwhelming and invitingly beautiful for a white bloke like me who grew up in southwestern Ontario, where dancing was verboten and…
Expressing love with food
Fred Redekop often reminded his congregation that preparing food for others who may be struggling with illness or a death in the family is a way of showing love and care. So when it came time to say farewell to him after 25 years as our pastor, we wondered what food was appropriate for our…
‘Swiss Mennonite’ cherry platz
When Floradale Mennonite Church planned a farewell event for our pastor Fred Redekop, this is a recipe we prepared. (For the story that goes with this recipe, see “Expressing love with food.”) The recipe originated from Annie Redekop (Fred’s mother), and I adapted it for a 10’’x15” cookie sheet. I call it “Swiss Mennonite” platz…
A 1978 car wash at Mennonite Brethren Bible College in Winnipeg, Man. Pictured, Don Wiens, right, soaks Adrienne Wiebe, left. Car washes, bake sales, quilt raffles, pie auctions, coffee houses, work days, cookbooks, and chocolate and cookie drives are methods that churches and church-related institutions have used to raise funds. There are so many good…
Making diamonds out of us
Often in the morning as I awake, God gives me songs which become prayers. Usually, it’s just a phrase or tune that causes me to search out the rest of the song and leads to a time of worship in the shower, or as I wait for the kettle to boil. I praise God for…