Unlocking a mystery
In 2010 Todd Burpo, a Wesleyan pastor from Nebraska, told the “astounding story” of his four-year-old son Colton’s “trip to heaven and back.” Heaven is for Real (Thomas Nelson Publishers) tells the story of the tribulations of the Burpo family: too little pay, Todd’s kidney stone emergencies, a business that was barely making ends meet,…
MCC from a Western Canada perspective
In her history of the first 50 years of Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) Canada, Esther Epp-Tiessen repeatedly defends the decision to create a separate Canadian MCC, distinct from the older organization with its headquarters in Akron, Pa. She presents MCC Canada as the “little engine that could,” struggling for independence, rather than allowing Canadian efforts…
Spring 2014 List of Books & Resources
Theology, Spirituality Discerning God’s Will Together: Biblical Interpretation in the Free Church Tradition. Ervin R. Stutzman. Cascadia Publishing House, 2013, 175 pages. Stutzman explores the practical implications of discernment in today’s congregations, including a thorough investigation of how Anabaptists historically interpreted the Bible. This book is Part 7 of the Living Issues Discussion Series, and…
Why write a book about a website?
Just type “Third Way Café” into your search engine—you don’t even need the accent on the “e”—and you will soon be sipping today’s brew of Mennonite stories, reading blogs, viewing videos, and buying books, CDs and DVDs. There’s even a link to donate for the “brews” you’ve imbibed. Run by MennoMedia, Third Way Café is…