Values, views and visions
The morning begins with many hugs, some handshakes and the hearty, infectious laugh of Kathy Giesbrecht, or “Kathy G.” as many refer to Mennonite Church Manitoba’s energetic associate director of leadership ministries. There is a sense of reunification as we tell stories of our summers and new things that are happening in our lives this…
Supplementary reading
Did you know that there’s an illustrated Bible that retells the stories in Scripture using Lego? The Brick Testament is a series by a man in California named Brendan Powell Smith, who has spent thousands of dollars using those small, colourful bricks recreating biblical stories and then photographing them. “While there is really no substitute…
Lower the pointing finger
Several months ago, our editor heard complaints from someone who wanted Canadian Mennonite to stop carrying letters to the editor because letters often cause too much friction. A small confession: We like to hear from our readers. As the main conversation venues for members of Mennonite Church Canada, our printed magazine and online presence offer…
For discussion: “What is truth?”
1. Where would you place yourself and your congregation: believing in absolute truths, wondering if there really is any truth, or somewhere in between? Do you agree that many Christians are finding they need a new way to think about faith? 2. Can you live with the idea that, on many topics, truth might be…
“What is truth?”
“Pilate asked him, ‘So you are a king?’ Jesus answered, ‘You say that I am a king. For this I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice.’ Pilate asked him, “What is truth?” After he had said…
Readers write: October 27, 2014 issue
Communitas follows in the footsteps of L’Arche founder Re: “Good work” and “Differently gifted,” Sept. 1, pages 4 and 8. I am writing to thank you for your recent articles by Jason Reimer Greig and Will Braun. Jean Vanier has been an inspiration and mentor to many, including the staff and board at Communitas Supportive…
Faith vs. belief (Pt. 1)
A curious lyric caught my attention as I was listening to “Don’t Swallow the Cap,” a song by The National, a melancholic indie rock band: “I have faith but don’t believe it.” What a strange concept: faith without beliefs. It sounds like nonsense on the surface, but could there be such a thing as faith…
The deadly sin of pride
Pride goeth before a fall, I ruefully thought last month, as I limped away from the place where I had taken a nasty tumble. I fell in the Detroit airport just before stepping onto the huge, four-storey escalator. Just after glancing at a slow-moving couple a decade or two older than me, who appeared to…
That’s a lot of money!
I remember a special gift from my Grandpa: a $20 bill in a Christmas card. It came with one instruction: Grandpa had to see my purchase. It was a lot of money for a 10-year old! It was the first time I’d had that much money, and I was a little concerned about using it…
Connecting passions
Part of my role in overseeing Mennonite Church Canada’s assemblies includes reading every word on assembly feedback forms. As I reviewed the 128 forms we received this year—a record number—I was struck by how often people stressed the importance of being together as members of our national faith community. Despite the fact that most attendees…