Shifting male roles
Doug Klassen, pastor of Foothills Mennonite Church, Calgary, Alta., served as Pastor in Residence at Canadian Mennonite University in late January and early February 2012. His presentation about the role of men in society at the CMU Monday forum sparked lots of discussion. He reflected further on the topic in a sermon at Foothills Mennonite…
Wrestling with the ‘powers’
His voice was anxious. Member of Parliament Paul Calandra was on the other end of the line. From his office in Ottawa, he seemed uncomfortable with the interview, hesitating, from time to time, to answer my questions. There were several mixed messages. I knew this exchange wouldn’t be easy, but it was necessary. I knew…
Canadian Mennonite wins top award
Canadian Mennonite earned the top award given by the Canadian Church Press in an awards banquet here Friday, May 10, 2012, a recognition called the A.C. Forrest Memorial Award which is presented annually for “excellence in socially conscious religious journalism.” The $1,000 first place award was based on a feature on mental illness in the…