Learning generosity
Generosity doesn’t just happen. It can be learned. ZenithOptimedia projects that advertisers in Canada will spend $11.3 billion in 2012, hoping that consumers will learn to spend money on their products. Rather than just succumbing to this tide, why not commit to engaging with at least one generosity resource this year? Devotional guides can help…
Worship as drama
Occasionally, because of my background in dramatic arts and pastoral ministry, I have been asked how well worship and drama mix. The query often assumes a disconnect between the two, or, at best, a sense that if the “dramatic element” is missing, it can simply be added to an existent worship outline with a skit,…
Readers write
Aid funding redirected to international trade The hammer that had earlier fallen on faith-based organizations such as Kairos and Mennonite Central Committee (“On shaky ground,” March 6, page 20) has now fallen on the Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace (D&P), which heard recently that the funding proposal made to the Canadian International Development…
Food safety bureaucracy proves a minefield for MCC Relief Sale
Anne Wiens is determined to avoid food safety inspection hassles like those experienced the last time the annual Mennonite Central Committee Relief Sale was hosted in Didsbury, Alta., in 2009. Even though regulations were complied with according to information the sale committee had received, a zealous inspector made things difficult. The inspector focused on the…
Big box churches
Springtime was in full theatre as we travelled back from Virginia on a Sunday morning recently after a week’s break. Viewing the redbud, dogwood and lilacs providing the backdrop for lush green meadows was as much worship as meeting with the saints in song, scripture and sermon. We turned off the radio and drove in…