Issue: Number 5

  • Volume 15, Number 5

  • ‘Not what we planned as a 50th anniversary focus’

    ‘Not what we planned as a 50th anniversary focus’

    The word spread quickly on Feb. 7 and the days that followed: Silver Lake Mennonite Camp’s dining hall had burned . . . again. The camp, near Sauble Beach on Lake Huron, suffered a fire in its third year of operations, back in 1968. The present building has been a favourite of campers and off-season…

  • Don’t forget your instrument . . . or your voice

    Don’t forget your instrument . . . or your voice

    It’s 11 p.m. We’ve been treated to the final program—a full, original musical about recycling prepared in two short weeks—and heard dozens of songs done by wind instruments, strings, brass, vocal quartets and pianists. We’re in awe, tired just thinking about what went into the show. Now the only one thing left to do is…

  • Family camp to debut this summer at Camp Squeah

    Family camp to debut this summer at Camp Squeah

    Summer camp is not just for children any more. For one week this summer, Camp Squeah will be alive with the sound of voices of all ages as the camp tries something new: a multigenerational family camp, to be held from July 25 to 29. “There is great value in family camping,” said Tim Larson,…

  • Nurturing creation connections @ camp

    Nurturing creation connections @ camp

    Camp is the perfect place for environmental principles to be brought to life. An Arctic glacier slowly melting may be too far removed for children to fully grasp the significance of, but a caterpillar in hand, a hike in a forest or a camp-out under the stars are real and immediate demonstrations of the importance…

  • A heart for grieving people

    A heart for grieving people

    When it comes to the business of death, Henry “Hank” Friesen has found life in his retirement years. Friesen, 70, who spent most of his working life in sales, officially retired 10 years ago. But at an age when many seniors are content to take life easy, Friesen decided to follow his passion and offer…

  • Let war resisters stay in Canada, rally urges

    Let war resisters stay in Canada, rally urges

    The Steinbach office of Canadian Public Safety Minister Vic Toews was the scene of a mid-January rally in support of American war resisters seeking asylum in Canada that took place in the wake of the defeat of Bill C-440. The bill would have prevented war resisters—people who had voluntarily joined the military, but who later…

  • Help build a peace library in South Africa

    Help build a peace library in South Africa

    Peace and justice projects in South Africa are creating a large appetite for the nonviolent peace principles of Anabaptist theology. Mennonite Church Canada Witness workers Andrew and Karen Suderman invite Canadians to feed that need by helping them to build the Anabaptist Network in South Africa Peace Library. This resource centre will provide students and…

  • Sharing the good news of hope, peace, and justice in South Africa

    Sharing the good news of hope, peace, and justice in South Africa

    Hungry children are being fed, students of peace are learning nonviolent responses to conflict, and ordinary people are making extraordinary sacrifices to bring hope and justice to those on the margins. These are the good news stories that do not enjoy the same attention in the mainstream media as other, more violent and sensational stories,…

  • ‘That’s what we’re called to do’

    ‘That’s what we’re called to do’

    “It is too small a thing for you to be my servant to restore the tribes of Jacob and bring back those of Israel I have kept. I will also make you a light for the gentiles, that my salvation may reach to the ends of the earth” (Isaiah 49:6). This passage connects well with…