A lifetime of joyful service
In 1979, Don Baergen was an orderly in a seniors home when a fellow church member tapped him on the shoulder. Would he consider a half-time salary/half-time volunteer position at a newly formed service agency for immigrants? His wife Joyce had a full-time teaching job, so he said yes. Thirty years later, Baergen is still…
Metzger’s address on climate justice warmly received
Whether the scientists are right or wrong about climate change is no longer the issue, Willard Metzger, Mennonite Church Canada’s executive director (formerly general secretary), told about a dozen senators and MPs in Ottawa at a breakfast meeting on Oct. 25 “Whether individuals believe that climate change is human induced or not, the facts remain…
Midwives of a new era
John Borthwick is calling on church leaders to see themselves as midwives and chaplains. One of three presenters at the Oct. 22 think tank workshop, “Leading the church in a post-Christian, postmodern world,” and a Presbyterian Church of Canada minister, Borthwick spoke to the “already/not yet” of the postmodern church in a post-Christian context. With…
No transformation without God
Recently, our small group embarked on a series entitled “Exploring spirituality through powerlessness.” The intent of this group is to take a look at a 12-step program—designed originally to be used with folks who struggle with substance addictions—as a way for any person to experience and understand the transforming power of God. At the core…
The church is like plastic wrap
Ever been pulled like plastic wrap over a warm roast pan? I was cleaning up after a great meal prepared by my beautiful wife. The roast pan had some leftovers, well, left over, and so out came the plastic wrap. The warmth of the pan gathered the clear plastic to itself, enabling me to pull…
Readers write
Letters in response to sexuality issues Re: “There is hope for those who want to leave the gay lifestyle” letter, Oct. 17, pg. 7. Yes, there is hope for gay persons, just as there is hope for heterosexual persons. We appreciate that there have been some who have found help in attending Exodus International and…
For discussion
1. What experience have you had with the King James Version? Historically, how was it used in your congregation? How familiar do the words of the KJV sound to you? How do you respond to them emotionally? 2. Christine Longhurst says that Scripture is experienced differently when it is heard, rather than read privately. In…
Creation history of the King James Version
The King James Version was not the first attempt at an English translation of the Bible. John Wycliffe, together with others, had already published a complete English Bible by 1382, prompting the Roman Catholic Church to decree that the translation of Scripture was heresy and punishable by death. The next major attempt was by William…
What about proof-texting?
An Ontario pastor raised the question of not defining proof-texting and challenged my guideline of wanting only “new information” when calling for a “reasoned discussion” on sexuality, in his letter to the editor, “Let the Bible speak on sexual matters,” Nov. 28, page 13. While I assumed that informed readers were both familiar with the…