Reconciling our vision of holiness with the reality of sin
If the grim historical associations with words like “purity” and “cleansing” are any indication, then Sider is right to suggest that the church has had trouble reconciling the messiness of life with its concept of holiness. To See History Doxologically is a direct engagement with the tendency to sever holiness from the difficulty of life.…
First female Mennonite missionary went down with the Titanic
This year marks the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic. Throughout this commemorative year there has been much in-depth coverage of the Titanic but a little-known part of that story will hold particular interest to Mennonite readers. Among the more than 1,500 people who died in the icy Atlantic waters during the dark…
New assignment in Burkina Faso
Nancy Frey and Bruce Yoder are building a new home in Burkina Faso with their children Jeremiah and Deborah. In the capital city of Ouagadougou, the Frey Yoders connect with and help support the Foyer Evangélique Mennonite de Ouagadougou (FEMO), a congregation primarily comprised of young adult university students, 24 of whom live in the…
Canadian Mennonite warned of political activities
A federal government agency has warned Canadian Mennonite about publishing material that could rally its readers to oppose specific politicians and political parties. A letter to the magazine from Canada Revenue says: “It has come to our attention that recent issues . . . have contained editorials and/or articles that appear to promote opposition to…
The paths and ditches of Biblical interpretation
Path #2: Context makes a difference By Rudy Baergen, Co-chair, Being a Faithful Church Task Force “Context makes a difference in how Scripture is interpreted, understood, and applied for faith and life. Context refers not only to the importance of understanding the time and place out of which Scripture emerged and to which it was addressed.…
MCC’s big building rationale not compelling
During a July interview, Rick Cober Bauman—head of Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) Ontario—spoke with much enthusiasm about the $12-million Menno complex now under construction in Kitchener, Ont. At the end of our conversation he asked whether I found the case for the MCC-led project “compelling.” His question reminded me of other occasions when the things…
Facing the sins of the social gospel
I’m fumbling for a third way to define sin. I recently led a Sunday-morning discussion in our church on the topic of the social gospel. In that discussion, I found it helpful to distinguish between two different ways of understanding sin. The first understanding sees sin as personal moral failure. If I commit bad acts,…
Deliberate and Deliberate
I’ve been part of countless conversations where people deliberate over the state of the church. Among church veterans this usually revolves around what the church has lost or is no longer. Among younger types such chatter circles around the church’s failures and supposed irrelevance. Different angles don’t change the fact that, quite often, such deliberations…
Where are the Followers?
Ever since being part of the North American Mennonite Church, I’ve appreciated the cyclical if not constant emphasis on leadership development. Self-development for personal satisfaction, new and increased competency for pastoral and lay leader success, and a wider range of healthier leadership patterns are needed and wonderful. But at the same time it’s caused me…