Tour member chooses to be baptized en route
As we look over this past year, nowhere do we see TourMagination’s motto—“building bridges among Mennonites, other Christians and faiths around the world through custom-designed travel”—better lived out than in a series of events in the Swiss Alps. This tour brought together a diverse group of people—from Quakers to conservative Mennonites. Some tour members knew…
Wall of Remembrance to COs dedicated
A Wall of Remembrance erected in Winkler’s Bethel Heritage Park honours more than 3,000 young men who served as conscientious objectors (COs) in Manitoba during World War II. A Sept. 11 dedication service marked the completion of the wall constructed with 3,021 bricks, one for each CO. “A Wall of Remembrance is about more than…
All the members of a panel convened by Rick Cober Bauman, Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) Ontario’s di-rector, on Sept. 21 agreed that food security is a human right. But they did not agree on how to go about achieving it. Steffanie Scott, a University of Waterloo professor in environmental management, argued that food security includes…
What are they looking for?
If you could choose a church from scratch, what would it look like? Much of our angst about being the church seems rooted in our desire to look good. Are we a fellowship providing what people want? Do we roll out the programs and splashy events people will flock to? Are our buildings comfy, our…
Sunday is not a day for school
I don’t know how to talk to my four-year-old about God. I tell him God is the one who makes things grow. I think I once told him God makes the wind blow. I ask if he wants to thank God for anything at bedtime. I’ve told him love comes from God. Aside from this…
Don’t forget the ministries at home
Throughout our world, disasters occur and urgent financial aid is needed to help affected areas on a constant basis. The pleas are unending from aid agencies, especially here in North America. It is comforting to know that North Americans care about others and are willing to open their pocketbooks to help out. This is a…