For discussion
1. According to Larry Miller, the last two decades have been a time of fundamental change for Anabaptists around the world. What changes have you seen in Mennonite World Conference (MWC) and in how Mennonites interact globally? Do you agree that the centre of gravity of the global church has shifted to the Global South?…
Miller was a ‘migrant missionary’
“You were a new kind of ‘migrant missionary’ described in John Howard Yoder’s As You Go,” said Bert Lobe, in an evening of memories of Larry Miller at Rockway Mennonite Church, Kitchener, on Oct. 23, 2011. As the North American Mennonite World Conference (MWC) representative, who has worked closely with Miller over the years, Lobe…
‘A place that gives life’
Larry Miller remembers one moment clearly when, as a 38-year-old, he was weighing whether or not to accept the nomination to lead Mennonite World Conference (MWC). The year was 1988 and he was sitting in a university library in Strasbourg, France, where he lived. “I was working on my dissertation, and I looked up and…
Bergen, Braun re-assigned
Rachel Bergen, national correspondent, has been re-assigned as co-editor of Young Voices, and New Order Voice columnist Will Braun has been hired as senior writer. Both will work out of their locations in Winnipeg. The new positions were effective Jan. 1. In her new role, Bergen will focus on building a network of writers across…
A matter of the heart
As we enter the year 2012, one of my goals for Canadian Mennonite and for its primary readership—members of the faith community of Mennonite Church Canada—is to maintain a high level of conversation that fills the pages of this publication. In this information age, driven more and more by the Internet, we live in a…