Volume 27, Number 2
Peace and popularity
Guardians of the past
Through an easily overlooked side door and down two flights of stairs at Bethany Manor Senior Living Complex in Saskatoon one will find the archival rooms of the Mennonite Historical Society of Saskatchewan (MHSS).
Readers write: January 30, 2023 issue
Tell your story of faith
The article “Eyes to see” (Nov. 28, 2022) discussed, “how to help members talk about faith and God’s work in their own lives.”
Gift for the Queen
Fifty years ago, in June 1973, Queen Elizabeth II visited the Waterloo region. What gift could she be given to represent the area? These two bronze figures of an Old Order couple by Waterloo artist Renie Ellis were chosen. At the time, Mennonites constituted about 10 percent of the area’s population.
Embracing diversity
One of the identified priorities for Mennonite Church Eastern Canada (MCEC) is embracing diversity. With this priority, we articulate our intention to:
Welding a Mennonite reality
In January I was tasked with providing a meditation on Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday at a local church. As I peck out this column, that day has not yet arrived and I’m spending my time welding up a sermon.
I’m not an historian, nor a learned interpreter of our faith heritage, so I am grounded in nothing . . . but reality.
When inadequate is enough
Scripture credits King Hezekiah for reestablishing Passover. Apparently, the temple had been shut down and it had been a while since any regular worship routines had been practiced. So, good king Hezekiah decided to turn things around and get Passover back on the menu.
Say no to moralistic therapeutic deism
A major sociological study of American youth concluded that their understanding of faith could be called “moralistic therapeutic deism.” On page 16 of the magazine, Ryan Dueck makes a related observation about “therapeutic church” and says it’s a problem.
To set a soul aflame
One of my abiding critiques of the progressive church circles I inhabit is that they often lack what I call existential urgency.
Quilting across continents
Great winter warm-up
By Nikki Hamm Gwala
Mennonite Central Committee Manitoba
For Judy Hildebrand of Crystal City, Man., brightly coloured comforters add cheer to long prairie winters.
Meet MC Canada’s new Indigenous relations coordinator
If there are places where the church is centring the voices of people on the margins, Jonathan Neufeld wants to be there.
“Theologically, that’s my home,” says Neufeld, Mennonite Church Canada’s Indigenous relations coordinator.
Neufeld began his work at MC Canada, based in Winnipeg, in November. He also works half-time as pastor at Charleswood Mennonite in Winnipeg.
Cross culture: three languages, one church
Six Vancouver Mennonite congregations launched the new year by singing, praying and worshipping together in three languages.
Mennonites respond to recent military spending
From Dirk Willems loving his enemy in 1569 to Colombian Mennonites building peace today, Anabaptists have offered a bold peace witness. But being a peace church is complicated.
Steinbach writer explores ‘Mennotoba’
Erin Koop Unger has travelled the world, but these days it’s Manitoba and the Mennonites who live there that have captured her imagination.
Koop Unger is the creator of Mennotoba.com, a website where she writes about Mennonite history and culture in the keystone province.