Get more sleep

Arianna Huffington claims that a big problem for women (and men, although she’s focused especially on women) is that we don’t get enough sleep. She even offered a challenge in 2010 to women to try to get more sleep. Why don’t we?

The focus on being successful, productive, responsible, or getting things done is a drive for many people, and connects to the values of Canadian and U.S. societies. It’s hard to go against the grain, particularly the closer one is to the rush of the “professional” world.


The concept of Sabbath rest, in which people are called to give up the drive and to give in to trust in God’s provision and care, opposes what most “successful” people today talk about and show in their lives. “Never stop,” “never give up” seem to be stronger mottos.


Yet here is another well-known voice using the same values of “success” as a motivation for rest. We function better with enough rest. So Sabbath is not only spiritual but practical as well… okay, time to get to bed!