Public invited to explore ‘Unsettling the Word’

Anyone looking to explore the Mennonite Church Canada publication Unsettling the Word: Biblical Experiments in Decolonization in a group setting has an opportunity to do so in the coming month. New Leaf Network, an organization that provides support to church workers nationwide, is hosting a virtual book club during which participants will read through the book. Meetings take place at 1:30 p.m. EST every Thursday in February. Edited by Steve Heinrichs, director of Indigenous-Settler relations at MC Canada, Unsettling the Word is a collaboration of more than 60 contributors who engage with the Bible in a new way to confront Christianity’s role in colonialism. “We need to be honest with the violent parts of our tradition and name that … and at the same time we need to lift up the amazing traditions that are there that can lead us in liberating paths,” Heinrichs said at the book’s launch event in May 2018. The New Leaf meetings will feature appearances by Heinrichs as well as two of the book’s contributors. Everyone is welcome to sign up on a pay-what-you-choose basis. Visit the book club’s webpage for details.