Enough grace

We’ve had several people reach to us, excited to join in fasting with our digital detox. Their reasons are many. Some spend too much time “doomscrolling.” Others always want to be in the know, or have a life filled with noise.

People are planning to read a daily devotional or send notes of appreciation to those in their lives…or just to be quiet. Some have committed to an hour off their phones, while others have gone cold turkey, or taken the ‘smart’ out of their phone, removing even weather apps!

Inspired by this crowd of witnesses, I had mapped out my digital detox.

And then the weekend came, and I didn’t get enough sleep, and I fell of the bandwagon. Monday morning found me groggy, nursing a cup of coffee and scrolling.

I didn’t even make it a week.

Fasting is intimidating to me. But how do I become good at fasting if I don’t have the chance to mess up? I want to bring my best offerings before God. But just like in daily life, sometimes that ‘best’ is battered and imperfect.

So I invite you.

If you’re like me and you’ve messed up, or if you’ve been thinking about trying this fast, but you missed the start, or you’re not sure you can make it all the way through, join me. I might mess up again before Easter sunrise, and then I’ll try again. Drawing closer to God isn’t a flawless commitment, it’s a journey for the imperfect.

There’s grace enough.

A. Susanna

Chris Cowie, formerly of Community Justice Initiative (CJI), speaks to leading an organization with the same principles CJI uses with their clients.

To help Ukrainians suffering from Russia’s military invasion, Swiss and French Mennonites sent 400 handmade comforters and about 2,000 kits of hygiene supplies to Ukraine last fall. 

A review of Carol Penner’s Lenten devotional book, Unburdened: A Lenten Journey Toward Forgiveness, written by Eliot Chandler Burns under their former name and published on page 237 (PDF page 130) as part of the final issue of the Conrad Grebel Review, is a reminder of the heart of Lent.

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