For discussion

1. How has your community been impacted by the drive for economic development? What has your community lost through development and what has it gained? How are decisions made about when and where development will happen? Is there a role for the church in these decisions?

2. Do you agree with Will Braun that a limit to growth and development is coming? What would be the impact of limited growth on our economy and our social structures? How would it impact the environment?

3. What are the ethical concerns about the large-scale development of oil? Should we be more concerned about what industries we support through our investments? How would you respond to a proposed pipeline through your community?

4. How important is it to move away from a dependence on oil? How can we best work at this?

One response to “For discussion”

  1. abe penner Avatar
    abe penner

    re pipe line
    It has been very good for our community. It has allowed our church members to work and to donate to the mcc so that they can become political activist instead of what the original calling was for this organization.

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