For discussion

1. The Christmas season is a time of giving. How does your congregation and/or community get involved in giving during this season? What are we saying when we give gifts? Do you agree with Aiden Enns’s comment in the “Alternatives” article that, “when we give, we acknowledge our dependence on others”?

2. Does a handmade gift send a different message than a purchased one? If so, what is the difference? What factors determine the value of a gift? What are we saying when we give used items as gifts?

3. What situations or circumstances motivate us to give generously? Is it easier to give when we know something about the recipient? What motivates Mennonite Disaster Service volunteers?

4. At the end of the Bethlehem article, Alex Awad says that ordinary individuals “must find ways to contribute to the cause of peace . . . .” What peace initiatives have you been part of this year? How can our Christmas celebrations contribute to peace on earth?

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