No one said life would be easy. And it certainly has not been for Wanda Litwiller of London, Ontario, although she makes her life of 63 years look easier than it is.
But as the details of her life are laid bare, one can appreciate the grace and ability Wanda has shown in dealing with the tough situations that have come her way. Her candidness and honesty help keep her on task. She speaks her mind and is an excellent self-advocate.

We all have something to learn from her. Wanda failed grade one after undiagnosed hearing issues prevented her from understanding like other children her age. At the time, Wanda and her family attended Tavistock Mennonite Church. Wanda has vivid memories of belonging and acceptance, especially while participating in Sunday school. She clearly recalls singing with the other children using the square red songbook (Our Hymns of Praise) before going to Sunday school classes. Wanda is still an honourary member at Tavistock and attends there when she can. Wanda’s personal life and church life are woven together. The encouragement and support she receives from her family, the church and God keep her grounded and help her to maintain an upbeat spirit. In turn, Wanda is interested in people and their lives, one of the gifts that reflects her ability to bring the message of the church to the relationships she has with others. She received a wonderful faith foundation from a church, and this footing helps her cope with other challenges in her life. And Wanda testifies that other circumstances and challenges have been greater obstacles than her disabilities.
When Wanda was eight years old, her mother died of liver cancer. Within the year, her dad remarried, and the family expanded to 11 children. Wanda was warmly welcomed into the family of her dad’s new wife, some of whom also attended Tavistock. Deep family bonds were created, ones that continue to this day.
The family moved to Ailsa Craig, Ontario, where they attended Nairn Mennonite Church (now The Church at Nairn).
But Wanda did not merely attend; she became an important part of the congregation, helping out with the junior Sunday school, counting money from the children’s offering for many years. Not only was it a way of serving God, but, as Wanda says, “Counting money proved to me that, although I am disabled, I can do anything.”
She needed this confidence when tragedy struck the family again. Wanda was only 17 when her father and stepmother were in a car accident that killed her stepmother instantly and injured her dad in body and spirit. He died within the year. Wanda considers herself blessed to have had her church and family embrace her during a time of great tragedy.
Another place of support for Wanda was the Alice Saddy Association group home in London, Ontario, where she lived next. Although separated from her family and all that was familiar, Wanda found the move to Alice Saddy to be beneficial. The organization supports individuals with developmental disabilities so they are able to live independently; at Alice Saddy, Wanda learned skills that enabled her to do many practical tasks for herself.
Each evening was dedicated to learning a new skill, such as budgeting, cleaning, laundry, grocery shopping and meal planning.
Wanda became a valuable part of the Alice Saddy organization on another level when she was asked to serve on its board of directors. She has served on that board for many years, currently as co-secretary. After Wanda moved out of Alice Saddy, she stayed in London, renting an apartment on her own. She attended Agape Fellowship and Valleyview Mennonite in London. At Agape, Wanda especially appreciated the strong leadership provided by Doris and Enos Kuepfer as well as Lynne Williams. She remembers delicious Christmas dinners and has fond memories of visits from people at Tavistock, East Zorra and Cassel churches who led services at Agape.
Music and singing have played an important part in Wanda’s church life. Today, she enjoys the praise and worship component of Talbot Street Church in London, where she attends. But while she would love to be a part of the choir and worship team of a church, Wanda describes herself as unable to sing, something she sees as a disability. She says that her disabilities remind her that she cannot do every job at church—but that, too, is the case for everyone.
God uses the church to speak to Wanda, and she hears. She hears that she is loved, cared for and has much to offer others. Wanda hears that she belongs. Wanda also hears that people in the church have much to receive from her. It is a reciprocal and growing relationship.
People in the church have made Wanda feel at home, and Wanda then invites others to come to church, where they, too, can feel welcome and a part of the church. Wanda draws from her natural interest in others to communicate that they matter to her, to others and to God. God uses Wanda to let others know that they are loved, cared for and belong.
Wanda has served as a greeter and attends regular activities at which she asks how people are doing and wants to hear the answers. She sincerely cares about others and knows the questions to ask of them because she has lived through difficulties herself. She is a blessing to others.
The painful situations in Wanda’s life remind her that circumstances can impact others in positive ways, sometimes in ways we do not even know.
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