Recent comments

dave cressman commented on

Canadian Mennonite wins top award

Carl DeGurse commented on

Canadian Mennonite wins top award

Ebrahim Muhamed commented on

Help build a peace library in South Africa

Les Klassen Hamm commented on

Canadian Mennonite wins top award

Sara Fretz-Goering commented on

Draft dodger Doxology

Herman Lepp commented on

From tragedy to triumph

Dr. David Neufeld commented on

MCC programming control shifts north

dave cressman commented on

CIDA turns down MCC proposal

Peter Dutton commented on

Just trying to help

Egon Enns commented on

Still strangers among us?

David Driedger commented on

60 Years from Now...

Carrie Martens commented on

Come alive, step away from the screen

Linda Petty commented on

An unsung hero of the church

David Driedger commented on

By what authority?

Gerhard Taves commented on

By what authority?

Leo Hartshorn commented on

Is technology enriching our worship?

Rachel Miller Jacobs commented on

Is technology enriching our worship?

John Neufeld commented on

Nazareth service experience awesome!

Marco Funk commented on

Is technology enriching our worship?

David Driedger commented on

By what authority?

Dan Loewen commented on

Is technology enriching our worship?

Paul Loewen commented on

Reading the Bible...?
