Recent comments

Mary Derksen commented on

Stitch by Stitch, Seed by Seed

Susie Guenther Loewen commented on

Many young adult delegates attend Assembly

Clare Neufeld commented on

Pondering covenant

George Goertzen commented on

Big box churches

Jim Brown commented on

Discernment front and centre

Kevin Konnyu commented on

Is Canada's ethical climate changing?

Liz Williams commented on

Is Canada's ethical climate changing?

Ryan Chubb commented on

Question-shaped faith

Steven Hoeppner commented on

Dusty Bibles?

Marco Funk commented on

Readers write: May 28, 2012 issue

RENE DE VRIES commented on

Wrestling with the ‘powers’

David Driedger commented on

Community and Authority

len hjalmarson commented on

Community and Authority

len hjalmarson commented on

Community and Authority

Arnold Neufeldt-Fast commented on

Stouffville to consider peace site and plaque
