Recent comments

Gerald Shenk commented on

If I had a million dollars

Jamie Arpin-Ricci commented on

On being ‘positively contaminated’

Dick Benner commented on

Temporary Housing for Flood Victims

peter and justina penner commented on

Temporary Housing for Flood Victims

Ray Wahl commented on

Blessed are the tree huggers

Michael Turman commented on

Stories of Salvation

Randolph Haluza-DeLay commented on

Finding our way

Donna Read commented on

Bringing Soviet tribulation to life

David Driedger commented on

On being ‘positively contaminated’

Robert Just commented on

The economy and my new pair of shoes

Melanie Kampen commented on

On being ‘positively contaminated’

Artur Esau commented on

‘We’re sorry’

Morris Liles commented on

Christian ethics for non-academics

Jamie Arpin-Ricci commented on

A tale of two speakers

Emily John commented on

An uncommon welcome

Anita Teresa Costa commented on

Forced to make ‘hard choices’

Seán O'Seasnáin commented on

New wine in new beer kegs

Cheryl Woelk commented on

The Stories We Tell

Carolyn Loewen commented on

Creating a village

Michele Rizoli commented on

What about this Bible?

Ken Wiens commented on

My troubled affinity with radicals
