Recent comments

Arnold Neufeldt-Fast commented on

Peace triumphs in festival

Martin Willms commented on

Holy contradictions

Ross W. Muir commented on

Counting his chickens

Kathleen Carefoot commented on

Counting his chickens

Dave Rogalsky commented on

Mending the sacred hoop

Jeremy commented on

MCI enrolment up

Herb Klassen commented on

Miracles of love and care

Lyndsay Mollins Koene commented on

Mending the sacred hoop

Andrew Pinnell commented on

Holy contradictions

Julian Holman commented on

Elsie Cressman, pioneer missionary, dies

P. Wolfe commented on

Healing the Mennonite class divide

Kendell Epp commented on

Healing the Mennonite class divide

James A Neufeld commented on

Boxing up the Old Colony Mennonites

Carol Ann Weaver commented on

Revisiting the legacy of John Howard Yoder

Mark Morton commented on

Readers write

Kari Snyder commented on

The Ghost Rapes of Bolivia

Kendell Epp commented on

The Ghost Rapes of Bolivia

Peter Wolfe commented on

Ministry in a very different world

Dan Spurrill commented on

Finding new paths through the wilderness

Tom Charette commented on

You don’t have to be perfect

Royden Loewen commented on

The trouble with labels

Cheryl Woelk commented on

Stories of Salvation
