Recent comments

Russel Snyder-Penner commented on

The spiritual resurrection

Mark Tiessen-Dyck commented on

To set a soul aflame

John Zylstra commented on

In search of the holy grey

Arnold Neufeldt-Fast commented on

Are Canadian Mennonites too progressive?

Will Braun commented on

Is the ban back?

Tim Wenger (He/They) commented on

Is it time to cancel cancel culture?

Russ Snyder-Penner commented on

Is the ban back?

Karl Dick commented on

The piano ban

John Zylstra commented on

Readers write: April 4, 2022 issue

Joel Brandt commented on

Goodbye ‘model minority’

Stephanie Kauffman commented on

The piano ban

Waldemar Regier commented on

Invitation to freedom: A lenten practice

Julia Phillips commented on

The piano ban

Richard Tschudi commented on

The piano ban

Maxwell Kennel commented on

Is the ban back?

Ken Bechtel commented on

Goodbye ‘model minority’

David Hunt commented on

‘Helplessly in love with music’

Kathy Friesen commented on

Barns and kerchiefs

Mark Bigland-Pritchard commented on

‘We have no safe area under the sky’

Peter Reimer commented on

Film review: sorrow, joy, anger and faith
